
  • Fairy tale for children is a gift for parents Fairy tale for children is a gift for parents

    On July 21, a charity event for children with disabilities was held in the framework of the project «I will help», implemented by the staff of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Education and…


  • Graduates of the institute of social work, service and tourism got their diplomas

    154 diplomas were awarded to graduates of the «Social Work», «Organization of Youth Work» and «Tourism and Hospitality» graduates of the Institute of Social Work, Service and Tourism of Kabardino-Balkarian State University. Congratulate the guys…


  • А piece of india in kbsu А piece of india in kbsu

    The opening of the Center of Indian Culture in the Kabardino-Balkarian State University was noisy and fun. Representatives of the university, teachers and foreign students of KBSU from India took part in the celebration. By…


  • Kabardino-Balkarian State University is in the TOP-100 of the best universities of Russia!

    RAEX rating agency published the seventh annual rating of Russian universities whose aim is to assess the ability of higher education institutions to provide graduates with a high quality of knowledge, skills and abilities, based…


  • + 87 points in the national rating - kbsu developes! + 87 points in the national rating — kbsu developes!

    On June 5, the international information group «Interfax» presented the results of the 9th annual National University Ranking for the 2017/2018 academic year. It is encouraging to note that the Kabardino-Balkaria State University. H.M. Berbekov…


  • Italian impressions about kbsu

    «Your equipment can envy any dentist, it is a pleasure to work here,» Jean Paolo Kapetti, curator of the advanced training sector of dentists at the University Clinic «Agostino Gemelli», said about the simulator center…


  • Great man of our time

    A prominent linguist, who made a huge contribution to the development of the national languages ​​and cultures of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria, a talented teacher adored by several generations of students, Abu Khadzhimuratovich Shardanov, would…


  • Everything is in our hands

    «We are leaders» — under this name on May 30 in the Kabardino-Balkar State University. H.M. Berbekov kicked off a training seminar for student activists of the structural units of the university. Noting that self-management…



    On 20 of January foreign students of Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov went on an excursion to Chegem waterfalls. The trip was organized by the Institute of foreign students with the aim…
