
  • na-roditelskom-forume-v-stavropole-1 Teacher + Student + Parent

    November 21, the delegation of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov took part in the work of the Parent Forum, which took place on the basis of the Stavropol branch of the…


  • vivat-2018-62 KBSU Superstudent 2018

    On November 22, the long-awaited contest “Long live, student” was held in KBSU in honor of the International Student’s Day, the general theme of which was the multi-faceted world of the film industry. On the…


  • iijeir-kbgu-2 Student Of KBSU — Winner Of The School Of Technological And Social Entrepreneurship Of The SKFO

    The scientific project “KBSU-Online” by a student of the Institute of Informatics, Electronics and Robotics of KBSU Aslan Shogenov was recognized as the best in the nomination “Information Technologies” at the competition of the School…


  • The World Is One For All kbsu The World Is One For All

    November 16, the International Day of Tolerance, foreign students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov visited the pupils of the Nalchik Boarding School No. 1. Students from India, Egypt, Congo, Rwanda,…


  • For success in social activities that meet the goals and objectives of the Russian Geographical Society, the undergraduate student of the Department of Youth Work Organization at Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov, journalist, local historian Tengiz Mokaev was awarded a nominal scholarship of the Russian Geographical Society. November 11 at the main site of the international educational campaign "Geographical dictation" - at the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, diplomas were presented to the laureates of the competition personally by the President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergei Shoigu. The youth club “Altair” of the KBROO Sozidanie headed by Tengiz Mokaev was recognized as one of the best youth clubs of the RGO in 2018 according to the rating results. Reference: The youth club "Altair" of the KBROO "Sozidanie" was opened by one of the first in Russia, on the basis of the Erudit in 2017 in Nalchik. This was preceded by three years of systematic work on the involvement of young people in projects and activities of the RGO. During this period, about 120 thousand schoolchildren, students, teachers, leaders of youth and children's and youth organizations, as well as more than a thousand experts in the field of geographical and environmental education from all regions of our country took part in youth projects of international and All-Russian level. The main purpose of the Youth Club RGO "Altair" is the study by young people of the geography of their country, historical and cultural heritage as a subject of national pride. The program of the club includes events related to event and sports tourism, history, geography, local history, social and volunteer work, meetings with interesting people, master classes, competitions and much more. About the contest: Every year, the Russian Geographical Society holds a competition for the right to receive youth scholarships. The competition is held in two nominations: "For success in scientific and educational activities in the field of geography and related sciences" and "For success in social activities that meet the goals and objectives of the Russian Geographical Society." In the nomination "For success in social activities that meets the goals and objectives of the Russian Geographical Society" one of the main evaluation criteria is the number of organized scientific or educational programs, festivals, conferences, seminars, competitions and competitions at various levels as a project manager or one of the performers. In addition to the main social activities, sports, cultural and creative achievements were taken into account since January 1, 2016. KBSU Student — Winner Of The Competition Of Russian Geographic Society

    For success in social activities that meet the goals and objectives of the Russian Geographical Society, the undergraduate student of the Department of Youth Work Organization at Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov,…


  • kalambij Travelling Like A Lifestyle

    November 9, laboratory of service and tourism of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov and the ethnographic label Ored Recordings launched a new educational platform — an open lecture hall with the…


  • kbgu-diplomaticheskij-klass-gimnazija-4-20 Diplomacy Is The Speaking In The Language Of Peace And Consent

    November 10, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov together with Gymnasium №4 Nalchik opened the first diplomatic class in the North Caucasus Federal District. The solemn ceremony was attended by the president of the…


  • Indian Lights In Nalchik

    Diwali in KBSU Lakshmi dance, fireworks and Punjabi music… From 7 to 8 November, foreign students of KBSU from India celebrated the main Indian and Hindu festival at the university — Diwali, or the Festival…


  • kbgu-nasledie-masterov-3 Heirs Of Great Masters

    KBSU students took part in the All-Russian Student Festival-Competition “The Legacy of Great Masters”, organized by the Chechen State Pedagogical University. Returning to native land with new knowledge and a victory in the nomination «Artistic…


  • The Day of National Unity

    Dear employees, students and graduate students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov! I cordially congratulate you on the holiday — the Day of National Unity! This holiday is symbolized by the traditions…


  • hjellouin-20 Mystical Halloween

    On October 31, in the corridors of the KBSU now and then it was possible to meet vampires, trolls, devils, kikimor, sorcerers and other popular representatives of evil forces. This means that Halloween has arrived…


  • vmestejarche-kbgu-2 Burn Brightly So That It Doesn’t Fade

    On October 29 at a thematic lesson with students and teachers of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design of the KBSU, which was held as part of the All-Russian Campaign Together with the State…
