Report on the results of the admission campaign of KBSU 2022

Release date: 30.09.2022

On September 27, at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University, a report was heard by vice-rector for the organization of admission and pre-university activities Arsen Haraev on the results of the admission campaign of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov in 2022 and proposals for improving the career guidance activities of KBSU.

Arsen Haraev noted that in 2022 the admission committee of KBSU organized its activities in accordance with the approved Rules for admission to KBSU for educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education. The target enrollment figures approved by the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget appropriations were met in full — 2,540 people were enrolled in the budget for the first full-time course of study, including the framework of the target enrollment figures for programs of secondary vocational education — 870 people; in higher educational programs — 1655 people (bachelor’s degree — 860, specialist — 131, master’s — 473, postgraduate — 33, residency — 158) and 15 people in the areas of the Department of state policy in higher education of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation.

In secondary vocational education, admission was carried out in 19 specialties (on the basis of 9 classes) and in 21 specialties (on the basis of 11 classes). In higher education, admission was carried out in 42 areas of undergraduate training, 6 specialties of a specialist, 33 areas of training for a master’s degree, 22 groups of scientific specialties and 39 specialties of residency.

In total, during the period of work of the KBSU admissions committee in 2022, 7,753 people were registered, of which 6,006 people were enrolled (77.5%), which is 5% more than the share of those enrolled from the number of applicants in 2021.

The average score of those enrolled in state-funded places in 2022 was 66.4 points (which is 2.5 points lower than last year), for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services — 62 points (which is 1.5 points higher than last year), for all conditions of admission (“budget + contract”) — 64.15 points. The average USE score in 20 areas of study and specialties of higher education (bachelor’s, specialist’s) has become over 60 points. For 20 undergraduate and specialist degree programs, the average USE score turned out to be higher than last year’s values ​​(with a range of values ​​of 5-20%).

A feature of the admission campaign in 2022 is a hybrid format of interaction with applicants (in person and using remote technologies) both at the stage of submitting documents (in particular, submitting an application and documents required for admission through the information system «Personal account of the KBSU applicant» and through the super service «Admission to the university online» of the state services portal), and during entrance examinations. Such interaction made it possible to expand the geography of accepted applications both from Russian applicants and from foreign citizens and stateless persons. The joint activities of the department for organizing the reception and management of the engineering and technical infrastructure and information technology made it possible to successfully carry out all the work on interaction with the information platform of the super service «Admission to the university online», which has become the main tool for applicants when submitting an application and documents required for admission.

The results of the KBSU admissions campaign depend to a greater extent on effective career guidance, which traditionally involves students, teachers, heads of educational departments, and university management. In total, during the academic year, the university held more than a hundred different career guidance events for school students, parents, teachers, etc. The total number of participants in the 2021-2022 academic year was over 8,000. At the same time, based on the results of the admission campaign conducted by KBSU, some difficulties were identified related to the organization of admission to study in educational programs of higher education in the natural sciences and engineering and technical profile; weak interest on the part of potential employers in filling admission quotas for targeted training, the absence of programs with a term of study of 1 year in the list of educational programs of secondary vocational education, etc.

Arsen Haraev drew the attention of members of the academic council of KBSU to the following factors influencing the need to intensify the career guidance work of KBSU in the new academic year:
— the need to identify and attract talented youth through a variety of career guidance projects in order to develop students’ interest in obtaining education in engineering and natural sciences;
— the resumption of the work of the Small School Academy in connection with a request from parents and future applicants. The work of the Small School Academy should be aimed, among other things, at increasing the level of preparedness of graduates of general educational school in basic natural science disciplines (in particular, physics, mathematics, chemistry), as well as to promote the growth of graduates’ interest in engineering and natural science areas of training;
— participation of KBSU in various educational exhibitions in the region and beyond;
— preparation and implementation of an effective advertising campaign for KBSU from November 2022 to June 2023;
— implementation of the career guidance plan for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Based on the foregoing, the Academic council decided:

To approve the results of the work of the KBSU admissions committee for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Organize a discussion of the results of the KBSU admission campaign in 2022 in educational structural divisions (deadline — until 11/01/2022).
Develop an action plan for organizing the admission and career guidance work of KBSU for the 2022-2023 academic year (deadline — until 01.11.2022).