
  • What has the Creative Workshop of German Pashtov achieved? What has the Creative Workshop of German Pashtov achieved?

    March 3 on the YouTube channel of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov went live with the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, founder and head of the school of woodcuts German Pashtov…


  • V Regional Championship Worldskills Russia 2021 at KBSU V Regional Championship Worldskills Russia 2021 at KBSU

    28 college students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov took part in the V Regional Championship «Young Professionals» (Worldskills Russia) 2021 in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which started on March 1. Competitions…


  • Yuri Altudov: KBSU students received Huawei certificates Yuri Altudov: KBSU students received Huawei certificates

    A group of students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov received international certificates of completion of an educational course in network technologies and skills to support computer networks of an enterprise of…


  • Popular science lecture hall for schoolchildren started at KBSU Popular science lecture hall for schoolchildren started at KBSU

    February 27 at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov started university Saturdays for schoolchildren at the Institute of Chemistry and Biology. About 30 high school students of the republic’s schools attended the…


  • KBSU scientists will speak at an international conference KBSU scientists will speak at an international conference

    On March 1 — 5, the Cheget boarding house in Terskol will host the XXXVI International Scientific Conference «Interaction of intense energy fluxes with matter», dedicated to the 75th birthday of Academician Vladimir Evgenievich Fortov…


  • Pedagogical College Of KBSU Celebrated Mother Language Day Pedagogical College Of KBSU Celebrated Mother Language Day

    February 19 Pedagogical College of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov celebrated the day of the mother tongue. A festive concert was held in the lecture hall of the college, in which…


  • Dear veterans, colleagues and students! Dear veterans, colleagues and students!

    I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day — a holiday of courageous and noble people! Happy 23th of February to those who defend our country We honor the memory of those who died…


  • Nart epic is read in KBSU in Balkarian and English languages Nart epic is read in KBSU in Balkarian and English languages

    To celebrate the International Day of the Mother Language, the Center for Balkar Culture named after Kerim Otarov Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov together with the Municipal Institution of Culture «Regional Museum…


  • KBSU is a member of the SEB Consortium KBSU is a member of the SEB Consortium

    Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov is a member of the Consortium of Network Electronic Libraries (EBC), which includes 255 universities, within which he has access to 33,000 titles of educational, scientific literature…


  • TTo find everything in KBSU | Mission possible To find everything in KBSU | Mission possible

    As part of the concept of digitalization of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, the project of the University Information System (ISU) is being implemented, which will combine not only the administrative and…


  • Putin awarded KBSU for help during the pandemic Putin awarded KBSU for help during the pandemic

    On February 10, the Commemorative Medal of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin «For disinterested contribution to the organization of the All-Russian Mutual Aid Action #My’Vmeste» was awarded to the Kabardino-Balkarian State University…


  • KBSU scientists can obtain patents 2 times faster KBSU scientists can obtain patents 2 times faster

    New electronic systems introduced by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Russia and used by the Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) of the regions made it possible to reduce the patenting time by…
