We Do Not Spread The Blood — We Share It!

Release date: 24.09.2018

We Do Not Spread The Blood - We Share It! 

Under this motto in Kabardino-Balkarian State University, at the initiative of the public movement «Autodonor» of the Federation of Motorsport of the KBR and students of the university, an action was held today to donate blood.

From 9 am till 14:00 a mobile blood transfusion station operated on the territory of the university. To hand over the blood could anyone wanting an age of 18 years, having a good health and a passport on their hands. Just this time there were slightly more than 50 students suitable for all these parameters.

They underwent a rapid test for the state of plasma and lymph, highly qualified specialists checked their general health and blood samples.

Every third Thursday of September in the calendar is marked as the International Day of the Young Donor. In connection with the festive events timed to the Adiga Day, the donor action was postponed to Kabardino-Balkaria on September 21.

Every year the donor movement joins more and more participants, more and more cities and countries are signed under the slogan «We will not shed blood — we share it», indicating that the constant need for transfusion of donor blood and indifferent attitude of people around the world to this problem. This year the action is held for the ninth time, which means that for nine years the youth are uniting this day with one big common goal — to help save someone’s life!