Preparation At The Academic Level

Release date: 18.09.2018

Preparation At The Academic Level

Small School Academy of Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov for the third time hospitably opened her doors for students of 9-11 grades. September 16 started the academic year of the project. Lessons with listeners were preceded by a meeting of the SSA leadership with parents and the students themselves.

Arthur Nasipov, director of SSA KBSU, said that the academy was being created to prepare for the examinations, in-depth study of core subjects, as well as the development of creative potential, research skills and the adaptation of high school students to student life.

“In recent years, there has been a need for universities to create such a model for the organization of pre-university training, which, along with improving the quality of teaching students to engage in their professional orientation. Pre-university training is not intended to replace the school, to fulfill its functions. Our main goal is the systematization and deepening of existing knowledge, the formation of skills in design and research activities. Without mastering these universal competencies, studies in a modern university can not be carried out effectively,” — said the director of the SSA.

The experience of the past years shows that parents and schoolchildren choose the SSA not only because of the preparation of students for the passing of exams. From the first year of work the school implements innovative authoring techniques that increase cognitive interest, professional practitioners give the students additional consultations for participation in the KSU Olympiads, instill skills of independent work, help to make a competent and conscious choice of the future profession.

Recall that the results of the full-time stage of the All-Russian competition of the best practices of professional self-determination of young people — «Prize Trajectory» project «Small School Academy of Kabardino-Balkarian State University» fell into the top 10 in the nomination «Professional Choice».

On all questions of interest you can get exhaustive answers by phone of the department for pre-university training and career guidance 8 (8662) 774187. The project coordinator is the Deputy Director of SSA KBSU Zalina Uzdenova.