KBSU students successfully spoke at the English-language scientific conference

Release date: 13.04.2023

The II Annual Student Scientific and Practical Conference «Foreign languages in the professional area: current processes, trends and perspectives» was held at the State University of Management in Moscow, in which was actively attended by students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov.

The main goal of the conference was to identify talented young people and form students’ interest in scientific research, identify and develop creative abilities, teach scientific research methods, and nurture a creative personality.

Under the guidance of Rita Kenetova, candidate of Philology, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages of KBSU, within the framework of the University Development Program for 2021–2030 and the implementation of the strategic academic leadership program «Priority 2030», 2nd year students of the «Economics» direction of the Institute of Law, Economics and KBSU Finance Minister Saida Hapalazheva and Amina Hadzhieva prepared reports in English.

Amina Hadzhieva devoted her report to the peculiarities of speech culture in business communication. The student suggested ways to improve the language culture.

For a business person, not only his professional skills are of decisive importance, but also the ability to establish business contacts, maintain good, friendly communication, the foundation of which is deep cultural and psychological knowledge. It’s not just about etiquette. General business speech training, knowledge of not only one’s own culture, but also respect for the partner’s culture is the basis of success today. Speech culture, as the most important social component, tends to develop and requires constant improvement,

— says Amina Khadzhieva.

Saida Hapalazheva’s report was on a hot topic for all areas of activity — information protection. In her article, she gave basic definitions of the concepts of information security, computer networks and information protection. She also analyzed the existing information security methods and suggested ideas for their improvement.

The student is sure that “as computer networks and information technologies develop, both new solutions to important challenges and new problems arising from obvious progress appear. It is important to realize the significance of this development, because the future is behind it.”

Rita Kenetova shared her opinion on the participation of students of non-linguistic specialties in the conference in English:

It was a valuable, at the same time exciting experience for us, but our students coped with the task and adequately represented KBSU on the site of such an advanced metropolitan university as the State University of Management. I hope that the positive experience of presenting their scientific research in English marked the beginning of the participation of our students in events of this level.

Translated by Gekkieva J.A.