Educational programs of KBSU are in the first league of the Subject National Aggregated Rating 2022

Release date: 18.07.2022
Educational programs of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov entered the first league of the Subject National Aggregate Rating in three enlarged groups of training areas: «Management in technical systems», «Economics and Management» and «Jurisprudence». This indicates a high level of program implementation and the quality of education, comparable to the leading universities in Russia. The experts’ field of vision included the results of entrance examinations, databases of bibliometric resources, as well as the results of the recognition of educational programs among the scientific and professional community and employers. For the first time in Russia, an attempt was made to evaluate all Russian universities in all 55 areas of training. The rating compiled by the Guild of Experts in the Field of Vocational Education in conjunction with the National Foundation for Innovation in Education, covers the entire range of educational programs being implemented. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov confirmed the high level of quality of training of students and faculty — the rating included twenty-five areas of university training:
3 — in the first league, 15 — in the second, 6 — in the third and 1 — in the fourth.
01.00.00 Mathematics and mechanics (2nd league)
03.00.00 Physics and astronomy (3rd league)
04.00.00 Chemistry (3rd league)
05.00.00 Earth sciences (3rd league)
06.00.00 Biological sciences (2nd league)
07.00.00 Architecture (League 2)
08.00.00 Engineering and Construction Technology (League 2)
09.00.00 Informatics and Computer Engineering (League 2)
10.00.00 Information Security (League 2)
11.00.00 Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems (League 2)
15.00 .00 Mechanical engineering (3rd league)
18.00.00 Chemical technologies (3rd league)
27.00.00 Management in technical systems (1st league)
31.00.00 Clinical medicine (3rd league)
33.00.00 Pharmacy (2nd league)
37.00.00 Psychological sciences ( 2 league)
38.00.00 Economics and management (1 league)
39.00.00 Sociology and social work (2 league)
40.00.00 Jurisprudence (1 league)
41.00.00 Political sciences and regional studies (4 league)
42.00.00 Mass media and information and library science (2nd league)
43.00.00 Service and tourism (2nd league)
44.00.00 Education and pedagogical sciences (2nd league)
45.00.00 Linguistics and Literary Studies (League 2)
46.00.00 History and Archeology (League 2)