Circassian Day celebrated at KBSU

Release date: 21.09.2022

A colorful fashion show in national costumes, poems in the Kabardian language and an incendiary jagu — so on September 20 at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov celebrated a national holiday — the Day of the Adygs (Circassians). The literary and musical performance «Poetic Starfall» was held on the square in front of the main building of the KBSU, where representatives of the creative intelligentsia of the republic, members of public organizations, teachers and students of the university gathered. The participants of the creative meeting recited poems by famous Kabardian authors: Alim Keshokov, Habas Beshtokov, Adam Shogentsukov, Zuber Thagazitov and others.

The organizers are the Ministry of Education and Science of the KBR with the assistance of the Center for Adyghe Culture named after A. A. Tsipinov and the theater of song and dance of KBSU «Amiks», set out to draw attention to the topic of preserving native languages ​​and culture. The holding of this event is becoming a good tradition, and this year it was timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of KBSU.

“This action is held for the second year. Last year we met near the star stone in the Atazhukinsky garden. Preserving the cultural heritage that our ancestors left us, multiplying and passing it on to descendants is our task,” — said Zalina Mizova, head of the national education sector of the Ministry of Education and Science of the KBR. The highlight of the meeting was the defile in national costumes.

The participants of the event presented the costumes of 12 ethnic Adyghe groups, sewn according to historical sketches. All outfits will be in the Center of the Adyghe culture named after A. Tsipinov at KBSU. The bright final part of the holiday was the jagu, held according to the traditional Adyghe canons, in which artists and spectators took part. Game manager, i.e. Hachiyako, with his wand, as it has come down to our days from ancient times, lined up dances in the right order, from slow to more incendiary. The final chord was the bewitching simplicity and grace of the dance pattern uj, in which all the participants were involved.

“Music, dance, art have no insurmountable boundaries. They must become a unifying force, which is happening today. This is very pleasing. I’ll say more. We must know and honor our traditions, observe the Adyghe Khabze, and interest in them often begins with such significant moments as today’s performance,” — said Amir Kulov, head of the KBSU Song Theater “Amiks”.