A conference of pharmaceutical specialists was held at KBSU

Release date: 07.04.2022

April 1 at the Medical College of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov hosted a conference on the theme «Rational pharmaceutical consulting in the XXI century: traditions, innovations, priorities.»

“With this conference, we begin a series of events dedicated to the anniversary year of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University. This year, not only KBSU is 90 years old, but also our medical college. As I like to say, we have been together for 180 years, but we are very young,” — said Svetlana Pshibieva, director of the KBSU Medical College.

Currently, self-medication with medication is one of the key public health problems. This is due to the constant and rapid increase in the level of general knowledge of the average consumer, his individual responsibility for his own health and the avalanche of information about medicines and methods of treatment, distributed in all possible ways, where control over this kind of information is practically excluded.

“A pharmacist who knows his specialty well and can give good advice to a pharmacy customer not only preserves the health of residents, but also contributes to the prosperity of the business. You must not only choose the right one, but also be able to make these medicines — these two functions make your profession strategically important. Good luck, peace and health,” — KBSU Vice-Rector for Research Svetlana Khashirova greeted the conference participants.

2-3 year students of the Medical College of KBSU prepared reports: «Fundamentals of pharmaceutical counseling and information», «Modern aspects of the use of antitussives», «Modern aspects of pharmacological counseling of antihistamines for allergies», «Algorithm for pharmaceutical counseling when choosing breast milk substitutes» and «Modern pharmaceutical consulting in the field of medical equipment products». Melissa Zanibekova, a 3rd year student, told why breast milk is preferable to artificial substitutes: “The most important and fundamental difference is that women’s milk is a “living” substance. Unlike formula, which has a stable composition, the composition of breast milk is constantly changing in response to the changing needs of the baby, depending on the age, health status, frequency of breastfeeding, and even the time of day or climate in which the baby lives. The best modern mixtures contain about 50 components, and mother’s milk contains more than 1000, ideally balanced biochemically specifically for your child. It is known that WHO recommends breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond at the request of the mother. Domestic pediatricians, based on practical experience and scientific research, voice the figure — up to 1.5 years. In any case, the choice remains with the mother and will depend primarily on the readiness of both the mother and the child to stop this process.” In general, the process of pharmacological consultation and information is based on a few simple rules: recommend simply and clearly, educate the patient so that he has at least minimal medical literacy, identify and dispel patient misconceptions, and be sure to constantly improve your professional level.