Student Committee
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173, building №15, room 208
+7 (8662) 40-48-06 add 13-01; e-mail:
Primary trade union organization of students
Primary trade union organization of students of Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov (and in short — PPOO or Trade Union Committee of KBSU) welcomes you, our young friend.
What is the Trade Union Committee of KBSU and what does it do?
We, namely the PPO KBSU, are an important link in the system of social protection of KBSU students, representing their interests, both at the university and beyond, and we are also part of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education.
Our goal:
«Protection of socio-economic rights of students, creation of conditions for successful study, recreation and leisure.»
The activities of the trade union:
— organizing and holding events aimed at familiarizing first-year students with the rights and obligations of a KBSU student;
— organizing the admission of first-year students to the membership of the trade union student organization;
— registration and control of students from socially disadvantaged families;
— holding events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle;
— participation in the work of scholarship committees of faculties and departments of KBSU;
— providing financial assistance to needy students;
— provision of legal (legal) advice;
— assistance to students in obtaining a place to live in the dormitories of KBSU;
— organization of recreational activities for students of KBSU;
— public control over the conditions of stay of students in the buildings and dormitories of the university;
— development and implementation of social support measures for students: medical care, organization of mass cultural, physical culture and recreational work, improving the quality of housing and communal services;
— training of student trade union activists;
— promotion of student employment, employment of young professionals;
— organization of students’ recreation in their free time (weekends, vacation period);
— controlling the observance of the rights and guarantees of students enshrined in the law of the Russian Federation «on education» and other regulatory legal acts;
— conducting sociological research among students;
— development of proposals for expanding the complex of social guarantees for students of KBSU;
— encouragement of students for active participation in the social and scientific student life of KBSU.
Functions of the trade union:
protective functions of the rights of students violated by administrations of various levels;
assistance in protecting students in case of illegal expulsion from an educational institution;
protecting the rights of students during punishment and expulsion for disciplinary offenses;
providing financial assistance in difficult situations;
organization of mass cultural and sports and recreational events;
accommodation of students in hostels, including family ones;
New Year’s gifts for children of students;
free legal advice on all matters relating to students;
defending the rights of students to receive scholarships.
How to join the Trade Union Committee of KBSU?
Contact your Trade Union Chairman;
fill out an application for membership in the Trade Union Committee of the KBSU;
And that’s it!
And in the end, I would like to say that the trade union committee is people. Cheerful and smart, Lovely, Hardworking, but still a little lazy. Strong, high and low. All these are people who protect the rights of students every day, grow and reach new heights together, despite the fact that they are all different.

Boziev Islam Nazirovich
Chairman of the Primary trade union organization of students of KBSU named after H.M. Berbekov

Khachetlova Saida Aladinovna
Specialist in information support of the Primary trade union organization of students of KBSU named after H.M. Berbekov

Shaov Astemir Adamovich
Specialist in organizational issues of the Primary trade union organization of students of KBSU named after H.M. Berbekov

Pashtova Alina Zaudinovna
Specialist in legal support of the Primary trade union organization of students of KBSU named after H.M. Berbekov