Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173, building of the Informational Center of KBSU, 6th floor
Tel.:+7 (928) 723-93-94, +7 (909) 487-24-46
Kanloev Alim Magamedovich — director of the Сollege of Design.
Historical Background
The college of design was established in 1992. It became the first educational institution in the system of secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation that trains specialists in the field of design. Since 1997 the College of design has been a structural subdivision of KBSU, and since 2016 it has become part of the Institute of architecture, construction and design of KBSU. In the history section of our site you will find a detailed story about the formation of the college and its achievements. The college of design is a developing organism in which all functioning mechanisms: pedagogical and economic, scientific and ideological, creative and production, organizational and managerial, strategic and tactical are focused on one goal — the production of spiritual and material culture in various forms. Currently, training in the college of design is conducted in the following specialties: design (by industry); restoration; design, modeling and technology of garments; gardening and landscape construction.
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173, building No. 3
Tel.: +7 (8662) 42-55-38, 42-49-59
Ashabokova Fatima Kazimukhamedovna — director of Teacher Training College.
The history of our college spans over 95 years. Over the past decades, thousands of graduates have come out of its walls “into a big life”. Our college has always prepared and is preparing bright, talented, responsible and successful teachers, educators who work not only in our city and republic, but also far beyond the region. In 1924, in the city of Nalchik, on the basis of a commune school, a Teacher Training school was opened to train primary school teachers, preschool workers, senior pioneer leaders and political enlightenment workers. The creation and further strengthening of an educational institution is inextricably linked with the history of the formation and development of the public education system in Kabardino-Balkaria. In 1937 it was renamed as the Teacher Training College. In 1941-1945 teachers and pupils of the Teacher Training College selflessly defended our homeland from the fascist invaders.
Examples of courage and bravery were shown by graduates of the Nalchik Teacher Training College — heroes of the Soviet Union A. Baysultanov, H. Ivanov, K. Kardanov, I. Illazarov, A. Masaev, M. Ummaev. Pupils of the Teacher Training College fought bravely: A. Tkhakumachev, M. Teuvazhukov, H. Asanov, B. Hamdohov, K. Kulbaev, H. Chabdarov, H. Zhambekov, V. Tsaritsynsky, M. Nakov, S. Cherkesov, H. Kerefov, B. Hatuev, H. Malkanduev, H. Vindizhev, B. Hakulov, Z. Saralpov, H. Shafiev, T. Atabiev , I. Ksanaev, K. Efendiev and others who were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for military exploits in the Great patriotic war. Over the years, the directors of the educational institution were talented organizers: Voronkov I.N., Fetisov S.V., Afaunov I.B., Mutalipov Sh.A., Uligov S.A., Chechenov Sh.Sh., Gyaurgiev H.Z., Baichekueva N.H. (PhD, chairman of the board of directors of pedagogical colleges of the North Caucasus federal district). Currently, the Teacher Training College is headed by Fatima Ashabokova. In order to improve the quality of training of specialists, on October 10, 1997, the Teacher Training College became part of the Kabardino-Balkarian order of friendship of peoples of the state university named after H.M. Berbekov. During the period of integration in the structure of the KBSU, the Teacher Training College trained about 9,000 SVE specialists in 16 specialties. From 1997 to 2018, college teachers defended 3 doctoral and 33 master’s theses in various fields.
In 2007, the college was awarded the diploma of the laureate of the competition in the nomination «100 best secondary educational institutions of Russia». In 2015, the college was awarded the diploma of the laureate of the competition «WEB LEADER -2015», in 2018 — the diploma of the laureate of the all-Russian competition in the nomination «The best organization of SPO». In 2019, the college became a member of the association of colleges of education. In 2020, the Teacher Training College received a WorldSkills competence center certificate for the teaching in the elementary schools competency. Information about the Teacher Training College is currently a structural subdivision of the Institute of pedagogy, psychology and physical culture and sports education of the KBSU.
Nalchik, Tolstoy St. 175
Tel.: +7 (8662) 42-29-80; fax +7 (8662) 42-67-62
Etueva Zalina Khamidbievna — director of the college of Information Technologies and Economics of KBSU.
Historical Background
College of information technologies and economics of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov has a rich history, its own unique face. For many generations of students, the educational institution gave a reliable ticket to the world of knowledge, helped them choose and acquire a sought-after and promising profession, and make a professional career. The college has its own style in the education system of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. To one degree or another, we are recognizable as an educational organization among the inhabitants of the republic. And of course, all this was not given to us at once, we went through the stages of formation, starting from 1943 — the year of opening, and continuing in 1996 — the year the college joined KBSU. From this stage, our new page began, where we created and opened new specialties and professions in demand.
In 2018, the college was ranked among the top 100 secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation.
In 2021, the college took part in the III all-Russian pedagogical congress «My country» in St. Petersburg and was awarded the diploma «500 best educational organizations of the country — 2021» as an educational organization that demonstrated advanced pedagogical experience and high indicators of the quality of education. In 2021, the college organized a platform for holding the regional championships «Young professionals» (Worldskills Russia) in the «Web design and development» competency. On the basis of this site, the V regional championship was held. On March 20, 2021, as part of research activities on the basis of KIET of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University, the all-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Development of integration processes in the economy of the region» was held, dedicated to the issues of integration development of the economy of regions in the Russian Federation and the experience of foreign countries in this direction . On May 25, 2021, the college of information technologies and economics became the organizer and venue for the All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Information technologies in ecology, education and business». A special event in the life of the college was the holding of the regional stage of the VII national competition «Abilimpics».
In total, 16 sites worked in the region. One of the educational institutions that had the most sites was the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov. Three sites were organized within the walls of KITiE: information security, web design, web development (programming). The college of information technology and economics of KBSU provides an opportunity to acquire modern and popular specialties not only in the labor market of the republic, but also abroad.
Nalchik, building 1 of Gorky St. 17; buildings 2, 3, 4 — Chernyshevsky St. 165
Tel.: +7 (8662) 42-26-62, 42-26-52, 40-48-06
Pshibieva Svetlana Vladimirovna — director of the medical college of KBSU.
Historical Background
The medical college traces its history back to 1925, since the opening of feldsher-obstetric courses at the Leninsky educational campus. At the end of the twenties, when the young republic was in dire need of medical personnel, a decision was made to organize a medical college, and in 1932 an independent medical college appeared in Nalchik. The head of the surgical department of the Nalchik city hospital Bogolepov (name and patronymic have not been preserved) and the surgeon of the same hospital Kovalevich M.D. were at the origins of the creation of the medical college. In 1933, the medical college was headed by A.H. Mirzoev. Since 1937, the medical college has become known as the feldsher-obstetric dental school. Kalyuzhny G.K. was appointed director. With the beginning of the Great patriotic war, the work of the school was reorganized. In August 1942, when the mass evacuation from Nalchik began, the school stopped its work, but already in 1944, work resumed. Many graduates of the medical school gave their lives for the liberation of the country from fascism. From September 1944 to January 1951, the directors were H.S. Nalchikov, G.T. Huseynov, E.Y. Solomina, A.A. Serdyuk. In 1951 it was headed by Yu.M. Dukelsky, and under him the school became the Nalchik medical school. In 1976, Medvedev A.B. became the director of the school, who actively continued the traditions of the school, accumulated educational, methodological and material resources. After the transfer of Anatoly Borisovich to another job, Depueva N.H., honored doctor of the Russian Federation and the KBR, was appointed director. Through the efforts of N.H. Depueva in 1995, the school became the Nalchik medical college and began to implement advanced programs. One of the first in Russia, the college staff mastered the lecture-seminar method of teaching. In 1997, the college became a structural subdivision of the university and continues to work effectively in the system of continuous professional education. Since 2004, the college has been headed by S.V. Pshibieva, candidate of medical sciences, honored worker of education of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In 2007, the medical college of KBSU became a laureate of the «European quality gold medal» competition in the «One hundred best colleges of Russia» nomination. In 2017, the medical college repeated its success, becoming the winner of the competition «100 best institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia», as well as the winner of the All-Russian competition «Educational organization of the XXI century. League of leaders — 2017» in the nomination «The best organization of secondary vocational education». The richest experience in the training of paramedical workers not only justified itself, but also made it possible to achieve significant improvements. The scientific and pedagogical potential of the college continues to grow and improve at the present time.