«Your Move» — ​​KBSU student

Release date: 12.09.2024

How to become a participant in the all-Russian project «Your Move» and win a grant to implement your own project, students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov were told at a presentation. It was held in the cultural center named after Kh.S. Temirkanov in KBSU. The head of the department for youth policy and educational work Oleg Balov wished good luck in all their endeavors to those gathered:

Within the framework of the state youth policy today, many tools are being created so that a young person, using them, can realize himself, find a worthy place in society. One of them is the all-Russian student project «Your Move», which will give you the opportunity not only to unite in a community of interests, but also to receive financial resources to implement your ideas, your intellectual potential.

The «Your Move» project is being implemented by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and is part of the presidential platform «Russia — the Country of Opportunities».

Currently, students from Russian universities are participating in the 4th season of the project. It began in winter and will end in December 2024. However, first-year students have the opportunity to become part of the team now in order to compete for the main prize of one million rubles in the next 5th season. After all, at the end of August, a new large-scale adaptation program for first-year students, “Your First Move, was launched within the framework of the project.

The program provides benefits not only to students who gain mentors, knowledge, and skills to create their future projects. The initiative also helps higher education institutions create an active student life filled with favorable conditions for the all-round development of young people,

— said Artem Rykov, the trainer of the “Your Move” project.

Experts from the largest student community in the country offered KBSU first-year students to follow the link and register on the “Your Move” project website right during the presentation. On the platform, the students were introduced to the competition tracks and tasks that need to be completed to reach the final. Prizes have been prepared for the most active participants in the interactive event.