Travelling Like A Lifestyle

Release date: 13.11.2018


November 9, laboratory of service and tourism of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov and the ethnographic label Ored Recordings launched a new educational platform — an open lecture hall with the unusual name Kalambiy in honor of the Circassian ethnographer. The first season is devoted to cultural tourism.

How to become an avid tourist, how not to get lost in a foreign country and live for six months, with a minimum of money, shared with these students and others, 26-year-old traveler from St. Petersburg, Kira Golikova.

“I do not like to travel as a tourist. It is interesting for me to dive into the culture, to learn how people live, to study the mentality, to fully integrate into the new environment, says Kira. — In two years I visited 15 countries. I traveled almost all of Latin America, I was in Mexico, Sri Lanka, Indonesia on the island of Bali. I am interested in the topics of digital nomadism, emigration, travel and how they change a person. What unites people from different parts of the planet and what makes us different from each other? How is the urban environment and society changing in different parts of the world under the influence of new technologies and impersonal mass culture? I look for answers to these and other questions on my trips and hope to work on my projects in the future”.

So, how to start traveling?

«Pasha, I’m leaving for Asia for half a year, I said to the head of the advertising agency where I work. I was allowed to work orders remotely, and I went to Sri Lanka», — remembers our guest.

Kira told us where to look for affordable housing and cheap tickets.

«Of course, it is good when you know in advance where you will live. There are many sites where you can book accommodation for rent. This is not the budget option, but you are insured against all risks. Who is bolder, can use couchsurfing — a service that allows you to meet people from all over the world and stay at their home for free. How much this option is safe, I do not know. I was lucky somehow. Read reviews».

Tickets are better to google at low-cost airlines, low cost airlines, according to Kira. She also advised, just in case, to have a local working sim card, all phone numbers of emergency services, the Russian embassy. If you are going to another country, you must take a first-aid kit with a set of essential medicines and, of course, know in advance about the climate and the dangers that await you, for example, in the form of insects.

Money is best stored on a few cards.

«I recommend to store on one, on another to transfer the necessary amount for payment in stores”.

“What is it like traveling alone, what are you doing on your trips?” Students asked Kira.

“It all depends on the inner spirit. I am very comfortable. I speak English, Spanish. It is necessary that the country took you. I recently returned from Mexico. I had a certain list of attractions, museums that I was supposed to visit. I really liked it”.

At the end of the meeting, Kira Golikova recommended the students to learn languages and be very attentive.


Kira Golikova is 26 years old. Born and raised in Nalchik, in 2011 she moved to St. Petersburg. She studied at the Faculty of Journalism, but went into the field of online advertising, which employs about five years.

She spent the last two years traveling the world.

Now he is studying in the school of modern photography on the documentary course and is going to make it his profession. He is interested in cinema and music; plays ukulele and charango.