The Number Of Lovers Of English Speaking In KBSU Grows

November 30, more than 200 students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov took part in the annual action «All-Russian dictation of the English language among students of higher education institutions and general educational organizations of the Russian Federation.»
The dictation text compiled by the organizing committee contained about 300–350 words (19 sentences).
The winners of the dictation, who did not make any spelling and punctuation errors, according to the results of the examination of the work by the expert committee from the faculty of the KBSU, were students Louise Pshenokova and Karina Mambetova, the Dictation winners, who made no more than one spelling error or one punctuation error or made no more than one two punctuation errors, named students Aida Bzhieva, Alisa Marutyan and Asiyat Apsheva. Winners and prize-winners will be awarded with diplomas. Other participants will receive a certificate of participation in the project.
The dictation is carried out within the framework of the implementation of projects selected on the basis of the All-Russian competition of youth projects among individuals with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) on the initiative of the Institute of International Relations of the Kazan Federal University.
The goal of the project is to form young people’s motivation to learn foreign languages as a means of international communication, to increase literacy and the level of proficiency in English language norms.