The Ministry of Education and Science has approved the date for the transition of Russian universities to a new education system

Release date: 13.01.2025

From September 1, 2026, instead of a bachelor’s and master’s degree, three new levels of education will appear. The first is basic higher education, it will last from five to six years. After it comes specialized higher education as an analogue of a master’s degree — up to three years. The final level will remain postgraduate studies.

Recall that the pilot project for the reform of higher education was launched in Russia in May 2023 in connection with the abandonment of the Bologna education system. The new model was tested in six universities, and now it will be extended to the entire country. Its essence is more flexible terms of study, different programs, more practice. It is assumed that basic higher education will be enough for graduates to find employment. At this stage, the Ministry of Education and Science is preparing the relevant regulatory legal acts.

It should be noted that the diplomas of current bachelor’s students will not lose their significance. The transition to the new education system will be gradual. And those who are already studying according to the old program, despite the reform, will be able to complete their studies according to the current standards.