The first group of KBSU students received a deferment from mobilization
The first twenty students of KBSU passed the commission at the military commissariat of the KBR and received a deferment from mobilization in the ranks of the Russian armed forces before entering the university and received summons. The press service of the university was informed about this in the mobilization department of the KBSU.
As prescribed in the Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On military duty and military service”, students who received the summons applied to the mobilization department of the KBSU (room 25 of the administration building) under the command of Betal Borisovich Kalmykov for a certificate of undergoing training at KBSU and went to the military registration and enlistment office at the appointed time, where they underwent a medical examination.
In accordance with the decree of the president of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2022 No. 647 «On the announcement of partial mobilization in the Russian Federation», full-time and part-time students in higher and secondary education programs who are not in the reserve are entitled to a deferment from mobilization. In addition, students who enroll in a master’s or graduate program are also granted a deferment immediately after completing their undergraduate degree.
“The main thing right now is to remain calm, upon receipt of the summons, at the appointed time, appear at the commissariat to pass the commission. It is necessary to adhere to the duties of a citizen in military registration, which, by the way, are written on the last page of a military ID and registration certificate. If you have any questions, please contact us, we will give detailed explanations for each issue,” — said Betal Kalmykov, head of the mobilization department of KBSU.
Questions related to partial mobilization can be asked during a personal visit to the second department of the KBSU, reception is conducted during the working day from 9 to 18:00 (break from 13.00 to 14.00), or by phone: +7 (8662) 72-22- 94