Release date: 04.09.2018


September 1, on the Day of Statehood of the KBR and the Day of Knowledge, in the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov Center for Public Initiatives was solemnly opened.

The Head of KBR Yuri Kokov, the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Matovnikov, the members of the Government of the KBR, the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation arrived to congratulate the students, especially the freshmen, with the new academic year.

The rector of Kabardino-Balkarian State University Yuri Altudov opened the celebration. Addressing the students, he stressed that he was proud of the successes of the friendly staff of the university.

“In the new academic year 15,000 students will study at KBSU. I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the Day of Statehood. I wish you to master the knowledge in full and achieve great success in your life,”

— he said.

Speaking with a welcoming speech before the students, the distinguished guests noted the positive changes that had taken place at the university. This is primarily an updated main building, where for the first time freshmen have to study. Here, major overhaul of classrooms, scientific departments.

“Student years, undoubtedly, will be the most interesting in your life and the most memorable. This is not only an opportunity to train in demanded professions, but also interesting scientific work, conferences, discussions, and finally, this is creativity, sport and volunteering. Knowing the new, developing your abilities, you lay the foundation for future achievements, the foundation of a new Russia. Let the new academic year be filled with new knowledge for you, marked by new successes and achievements,”

— instructed the students of the RF President’s Plenipotentiary for the North Caucasus Federal District.

Congratulating students on the Day of Statehood of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Day of Knowledge, Yuri Kokov emphasized the symbolism and regularity of the fact that both of these celebrations are celebrated in our day, for education in a broad sense is one of the fundamental foundations of modern Russian statehood, as well as the statehood of Kabardino -Balkarian Republic.

“Today, our country faces new and serious challenges stemming from the processes of globalization and the growth of world competition. Opening our exhibition in Novosibirsk the «Technoprom-2018», our President Vladimir Putin stressed that to strengthen Russia’s position in the world, a scientific and technological breakthrough is needed, and attributed this task to a number of key national goals and priorities. The youth, and above all its advanced part — the students, is especially receptive to everything modern, progressive, and therefore you have a special responsibility for the solution of the most important task put forward by the president — the implementation of plans for the construction of a strong and prosperous Russia. In many respects depends on your knowledge, talent, skills, responsibility and patriotism, what will be its role and place in the world community. I am sure, deeply aware of my involvement with the country’s destiny, you will persistently master modern knowledge, expand your horizons and world outlook, become worthy continuers of the creative traditions of Russian students,”

-said the head of the KBR.

Further, the leadership of the university and the high guests made a walk through the renovated main building, appreciated the comfort and equipment of the classrooms, after which the KBSU Center for Public Initiatives was opened, which aims to accumulate and promote the most important socially significant scientific and social projects of the student youth of the region. In the conference hall of the center, officials met with the students’ asset of the university, during which they discussed issues of implementing youth policy, training qualified personnel for the economy of the republic, supporting volunteerism and volunteerism.

Alexander Matnovnikov noted how important it is that graduates of the university should work in the republic, developing production technologies, improving the quality of education, health and social services for the local population.

Students who are leaders and activists of public organizations of the higher educational institution were told about the achievements of the KBSU for the last three years to representatives of state power.

Alexander Matovnikov and Yuri Kokov wished the students success in implementing public initiatives, studying, researching and mastering a chosen specialty.