The Ball Time!

The long-awaited, exciting, atmospheric New Year’s ball at KBSU was held on December 27 in the SGI hall decorated in the style of secular balls of the 19th century and flooded with light of modern club spotlights.
For the seventh time, the ball gathered those who were not indifferent to waltz and polonaise from all over the university. 18 pairs dared to dance the classics. The rest with secrecy, and sometimes undisguised envy, looked away.
The chamber ensemble of the CBD Camerata opened the evening. He gave the event participants an indescribable mood.
As it should be, according to all secular ball laws, the evening opened the old solemn dance procession Polonaise.
And then there were all areas of classical and modern dance … Which guys performed for the competition and, of course, fun.
At the end of the evening, the King and Queen of the ball were identified; they were Daniel Pavlov and Mariana Varitlova. Congratulations!