The annual «Shogentsukov Readings» were held at KBSU

Release date: 19.12.2024

It has become a good tradition for writers of the republic to hold literary events in the library of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov.

«Shogentsukov Readings» is one of such significant events.

They are being held within the walls of our university for the second time on the initiative of the Caucasus Writers’ Club and the Public Chamber of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Traditionally, writers from other regions also take part in literary readings dedicated to the founder of Adyghe literature Ali Shogentsukov.

The round table discussed the book «Ali Shogentsukov and the Historical and Literary Process» by Yuri Tkhagazitov and Madina Khakuasheva. It was published in 2020 for the 120th anniversary of the classic.

Teachers of native language and literature and methodologist of the Kabardino-Circassian language of the Department of Education of the city district of Nalchik Lyudmila Tliashinova, who were invited to the meeting, shared with the audience their experience of teaching the works of the Kabardian classic in school through the prism of this topic.

The epic genre in the writer’s work, ethnosocial reference points in his works, for example in the poem «Winter Night», in the cultural and civilized dimension — all this was noted in the speeches of school teachers of the Kabardino-Circassian language and literature Rita Dokhova, Fatima Bozieva, Rimma Kashirokova, Marina Apazheva and Saimat Vorokova.

Teachers Rimma Sherieva, Zhanna Sogova, Irina Shamurzaeva, Marina Makhova shared interesting stories about everyday school life, and also told about how, as children, they first became acquainted with the work of the classic.

Farida Kudayeva, a member of the Writers’ Union of Russia and the Writers’ Club of the Caucasus, and the organizer of the round table, emphasized Ali Shogentsukov’s contribution to national literature:

He is the first professional writer whose work was the result of the centuries-long development of the rich Circassian culture.»
Farida Kudayeva quoted the chairman of the Kabardino-Balkarian branch of the Writers’ Union of Russia, Yuri Tkhagazitov: «The poet’s artistic discoveries determined the process of formation of a new type of artistic national consciousness.

Fatima Marzhokhova, a member of the Writers’ Union of Russia and the Writers’ Club of the Caucasus, prepared a mini-performance. The speech by Alexander Petrenko, a writer and member of the Writers’ Union of Russia, who came to the «Shogentsukov Readings» from Krasnodar, showed that the theme of the Great Patriotic War will always be relevant, as evidenced by the audience’s perception of the writer’s story about the military hardships.

Moscow poet Lazar Shestakov read his poems, which reflect modern realities.

The event was also attended by professional translator from English, French, Spanish Marina Vorobyova, member of the Public Chamber Asiyat Teppeeva and director of the National Museum of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Felix Nakov.

The participants of the literary readings were awarded certificates of the Ali Shogentsukov Charitable Foundation.