The All-Russian Economic Dictation was held at KBSU

Release date: 21.10.2024

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov acted as a regional venue for the All-Russian educational event «All-Russian Economic Dictation».

The theme of the dictation is «Strong economy — prosperous Russia!»

According to the organizers of the Free Economic Society of Russia with the participation of the International Union of Economists, the main goal of the event is to generate interest in economic science and the current economic agenda, to promote an increase in the level of education of the population and the formation of an active civic position.

The curators of the project at the KBSU site were teachers of the Department of Economics and Accounting and Analytical Information Systems of the IPPEiF Lorina Aslanova and Bella Karmova.

In total, more than 2,000 students in various fields and training programs were tested at KBSU: «Economics», «Jurisprudence», «General Medicine», «Pediatrics», «Design», «Chemistry», «Biology», «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science», «Geography», «Physics», «Mathematics», «Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education», «Dentistry», «Information Security», «Organization of Work with Youth», as well as postgraduate students of KBSU.

This year, for the first time, more than 580 schoolchildren of grades 9-11 of the republic took part in writing the dictation.

Based on the results of the All-Russian Economic Dictation, all participants received personalized certificates. Those who scored more than 90 points out of 100 possible received diplomas of winners.