Territory of national and cultural unity of KBSU
On November 4, Russia celebrates National Unity Day. The holiday was established by the Federal Law «On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law» On Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia «, signed in December 2004 by Russian President Vladimir Putin in memory of the events of 1612, when the people’s militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky freed Moscow from the Polish invaders. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the amendments made to it in 2020 guarantee the possibility of self-development of any people of Russia, affirming human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples. In KBR there are 3 titular nations and 3 state languages - Kabardian, Balkarian and Russian (the language of interethnic communication), they function in all spheres of state and public activity on an equal footing. At the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, where about 17,000 students from 41 regions of Russia and 43 countries of the world study and work, people of different nationalities study and work. There are 3 national cultural centers at the university: — the center of the Adyg culture named after A.A. Tsipinov — the center of Balkar culture named after K.S. Otarov is a scientific and educational center of the Russian language and culture. Each of those who take part in the work of the cultural centers of KBSU strives to contribute to the development of nations and the preservation of the history of the peoples of the KBR. Everyone is united by a sense of patriotism and responsibility for the preservation of cultural and historical heritage for the present and the future.
Center of Adyg culture named after A.A. Tsipinov.
In April 2008, an order was issued to establish at the Institute of Philology of the KBSU (currently the Social and Humanitarian Institute) a center of Adyghe culture, which in 2011 began to bear the name of its first leader, Doctor of Philology, Professor Aslan Tsipinov. “The main areas of activity are the introduction of students to the Adyg culture, the development of interest in the customs and traditions of the Circassians in the youth environment, the upbringing of youth in the spirit of respect for the material and spiritual values of their ancestors,” — said the director of the Center for Adyg culture. A.A. Tsipinova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Kabardino-Circassian Language and Literature Madina Ezaova. Among the tasks facing this structural unit of the university are the preservation and broadcasting of traditionally meaningful ethnocultural information, as well as historical-philosophical and ethical-culturological knowledge about the ethnos; promoting the growing interest of society in traditional folklore and ethnography, as exponents of the Adyghe mentality; participation in the development of fundamental scientific projects on the problems of Adygology. Several anniversaries were celebrated in 2020. Together with the staff of the department, Timizhev Kh.T., Abazov A.Ch., Madina Ezaova participated in television and radio programs dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Ali Shogentsukov’s birth. In academic groups within the framework of the discipline «Native language» introductory conversations were held on the poet’s work, students wrote competitive creative works on the work of the great Adyghe writer, participated in a flash mob on reading poems by Ali Askhadovich. On the day of memory of A. Shogentsukov, students and staff performed at the monument to the poet. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Boris Utizhev, the Center for Adyg culture together with the Center for Culture and Creativity named after B.K. Utizheva conducted introductory classes and curatorial hours in academic groups of the direction “Philology. Domestic Philology «, organized a daily demonstration of the author’s works on social networks, a competition of young talents» Literary Creativity «, a remote festival of theatrical performances based on the dramatic and poetic works of Boris Kuneevich. The annual student scientific and practical conference in 2021 was dedicated to the anniversaries of A.A. Shogentsukov and B.K. Utizhev. The workers of the Adyghe Culture Center of KBSU took an active part in the jubilee events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Betal Kuashev. At the school where the poet studied, a speech by students of philology took place, and a presentation was demonstrated. KBSU annually is a platform for the implementation of a large-scale event of the International Circassian Association on the Day of the Adyghe Writing — Total Dictation in the Adyghe language. In 2020, 300 people wrote dictation within the walls of the university, and the same number online. For the first time, the action was broadcast in 43 countries. Work continues with repatriates from among the ethnic Adygs (Circassians) to preserve the language and traditions of the people. The events are held with the assistance of the Ministry for Interaction with Civil Society Institutions and Ethnic Affairs of the KBR. Employees of the Adyghe Culture Center are active participants in republican events and public organizations — they work in the expert commission under the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Affairs of the KBR within the framework of the annual competition of the Kabardino-Balkarian children’s public organization «Scientific Association of Students» Sigma «, are members of the jury republican intellectual competition «Experts of the native language, word, native speech and spiritual culture of the people», the annual festival-competition «Native language — my soul, my world.» Students of the direction «Domestic philology» took part in the competition of literary creativity, announced by the Adyghe public organization of Canada, Kamilla Bukhurova was awarded the title of laureate of the 2nd degree. With the observance of the necessary safety measures, several groups of schoolchildren from Nalchik, Baksan, the rural settlements of Stary Cherek and Karagach visited the lectures on national culture-excursions at the Center of Adyg culture. Classes on the study of the Kabardian language continue among compatriot students from different countries of the world. Lessons are held remotely, on the ZOOM platform, three listeners are in Turkey. “At the beginning of the academic year, the North Caucasian Youth Forum“ Mashuk ”is held in Pyatigorsk, in which we are always indirectly involved: we prepare participants, meet delegations from different parts of Russia,” Madina Ezaova explained. — This year we had the first experience of participating in the forum of young cultural and art workers «Tavrida» (Republic of Crimea). We acted as consultants. The project «Laboratory of national cuisine» PshafIe «, presented by a graduate of the KBSU Irina Khagazheeva, was among the leaders, the same project became one of the winners in the StartUp grant competition, which is held under the patronage of a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Arsen Kanokov. Unfortunately, due to the complex epidemic

We had to conduct most of the planned events in chamber. However, our work has intensified on the center page on Instagram center_of_adyge, where we display news and announcements of events. For example, publications dedicated to the Day of the Circassian costume and the 89th anniversary of the founding of our university aroused keen interest. The number of subscribers is growing, today it is more than two thousand. A lot of responses were caused by posts about a flash mob on Adygeyan cuisine among first-year students. The same flash mob was organized to study the Nart epic, to read the works of the classic heroes of the day. » Since the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, the center has been operating normally, according to the approved plan. In September, events were held for the Day of the Circassians, the International Day of the Circassian Costume, an excursion to the historical places of the KBR with students from the countries of residence of the representatives of the Adyghe diaspora. Excursions to creative workshops of famous specialists in the field of folk crafts are planned; meeting with the participants of the literary club «Jean», which operates under the same name Kabardino-Balkarian regional public organization to promote the preservation of the institution of the family, support women and children; lectures «Elements of the Adyghe national dress» and «Blacksmithing skill of the Adygs»; a cycle of lectures on the history and culture of the Adyghe diaspora; meetings of students with artists of the Kabardian drama theater; visiting exhibitions in museums of the republic; literary evenings dedicated to the anniversaries of writers, poets, literary critics; events dedicated to the Day of the Adyghe Flag, the International Day of Mother Languages, to the anniversary of the end of the Caucasian War. And, of course, an open day will be organized for schoolchildren at the department of the Kabardian language and literature, at the end of the academic year — a holiday for graduates who have received university diplomas. “The work of the Center for Adyg culture never stops. We are ready and willing to work,” — concluded Madina Ezaova. In the near future we will continue to acquaint you with the work of the national cultural centers of the KBSU.