Teachers of the North Caucasus proposed new methods for the development of education

Release date: 16.09.2024

Director of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Culture and Sports Education of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov Olga Mikhaylenko took part in the work of a scientific and practical seminar, where the development of the partnership network of the Russian Academy of Education in the North Caucasus, as well as key areas of research in educational science were discussed.

It was held at the North Caucasus Federal University, which serves as a key platform for the development of the partnership network in the region.

The President of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Olga Vasilyeva addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

The seminar discussed the introduction of courses developed by the consortium into the educational process to improve the qualifications of teachers, and new methods were also proposed to improve education.

Acting vice president of the Russian Academy of Education Viktor Basyuk presented a report on priority areas of research in the field of educational sciences.

Following the seminar, a number of practical measures were developed for the development of pedagogical sciences in the region. In particular, joint scientific research, holding scientific conferences and implementing network educational programs are planned.

Thus, KBSU and SKFU plan to create a joint «Research Laboratory of Family and Childhood» and conduct joint research within the framework of the projects «Scientific and methodological support for specialized classes of psychological and pedagogical focus in the regional ecosystem of continuous education» and «Formation of an individual educational route for children with disabilities and special educational needs in the process of career guidance».

Bilateral and trilateral meetings were also held within the framework of the seminar. Director of the Institute of Pedagogical and Physical Educational Sociology and Head of the KBSC RAO KBSU Olga Mikhaylenko discussed with the rector of the Luhansk State Pedagogical University Zhanna Marfina and the rector of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Svetlana Kochetova the possibility of joint fundamental and exploratory scientific research in the field of pedagogy and psychology.