Students of the KBSU College of Design mastered ancient traditions of carpet making

Release date: 06.02.2025

An unusual exhibition opened at the College of Design of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov. Second-year students of the Design specialty presented the results of their practical training in the framework of the discipline «Technique of Design Works». The guys created national panels — kiizs from felt.

Students from different areas of the college came to admire the fruits of their friends’ creativity.

Laura Bekulova, a teacher of the KBSU Design College, told the guys about the ancient technique of felting sheep wool:

Felting, or felting, is considered the most ancient of all methods of textile production. There are two felting techniques: wet and dry. The wet felting process is quite labor-intensive and requires physical effort. First, the raw material is poured with a hot soapy solution, rolled into a roll, and kneaded for a long time and vigorously until the hairs fit into each other and a dense felt fabric is obtained. Using the dry technology, the wool is pierced in different places using special needles with notches, they tangle the hairs, after which a homogeneous fabric is also obtained. The creative process, depending on the complexity of the product, takes from three days to a month.

The products of student designers are distinguished by a rich color scheme, smooth outlines and a variety of ornaments. Made from undyed wool, many kiiz are embroidered with multi-colored woolen threads. Some of them have an image of a family tamga.

As the student curator Artur Shontukov noted, mastering the technique of turning wool into felt provides wide opportunities. In addition to a rug, you can make many interesting and useful things: from jewelry to bags, hats and even coats. And also felt products made by hand are a great gift for family and friends.