Students’ Dedication in KBSU

Release date: 12.09.2018

Students’ Dedication in KBSU

370 first-year students of the College of Information Technologies and Economics of Kabardino-Balkar State University named after H.M. Berbekov became full-fledged students, having received the desired student’s card of KBSU.

Solemnly sounded the student hymn «Gaudeamus» opened the ceremony of dedication, which was held on September 10 in the Creative Studio named after  A. Sokurov.

Director of the college Fatimat Nakhusheva and members of the teaching staff congratulated the culprits of the celebration on this important event for them and wished them success in mastering the chosen specialties.

“You entered the college of information technology, known for its rich traditions. I hope that those who have got into our big amicable family will study «good» and «excellent». You have entered a new, more independent and responsible life stage — professional training. I wholeheartedly wish you happiness and all the best”, — greeted freshmen deputy. head. department of general education of the KSU SPO for educational work, teacher of history and social studies Abdulah Hochuev.

Students’ Dedication in KBSU

After the words of greetings, 14 groups of the new set, led by their curators, got on the stage and received student tickets from the director’s hands.

Art groups of KBSU have congratulated new students giving a great performance.