Scientific and practical conference at the Medical Academy of KBSU

Release date: 13.09.2024

The Medical Academy of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov became the venue for the interregional scientific and practical conference «Dialogues on Internal Medicine». The forum was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding cardiologist Pavel Lukomsky.

The conference was initiated by the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists (RSMOT). It is held in different regions of the country with the aim of uniting the efforts of leading domestic specialists and raising the professional level of general practitioners in our country.

Welcoming the participants of the forum within the walls of KBSU, the first vice-rector of the university Murat Gukepshokov noted that the medical direction is one of the priorities for our university:

One of the areas of our university is the medical cluster. Today, special attention is paid to it and serious efforts are being made for its development. Recently, it has become a fairly large division of the university — at the initiative of the university management, we supported the transformation of the medical faculty into an academy.

The work of doctors of the republic at the opening ceremony of the scientific and practical conference was recognized with awards from the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists. The Certificate of Honor for many years of active work in the RNMOT was awarded to the head of the department of faculty therapy of the KBSU Medical Academy Murat Umetov. For her contribution to the training of medical personnel, the Certificate of Honor was awarded to Liliya Elgarova, head of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases.

The forum was held simultaneously at two sites. The conference program covered the widest possible range of issues in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of internal diseases: from acute respiratory viral infections and complications after coronavirus infection to cardiovascular diseases and burnout syndrome in health workers.

The reports were prepared by specialists from our republic and the capital’s luminaries of medical science, as well as colleagues from other regions of the country. They connected to the forum via videoconference.