Representatives of KBSU took part in the II All-Russian Conference “The Mission of Education to Preserve the Cultural Heritage and Linguistic Diversity of the Peoples of Russia”

Release date: 10.07.2024

Associate professors of the departments of the Social and Humanitarian Institute of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov Naima Bozieva and Maryam Khulchaeva took part in the II All-Russian Conference of the organizers of the Federal Olympiad for schoolchildren in the native languages ​​and literatures of the peoples of Russia “Education Mission to Preserve the Cultural Heritage and Linguistic Diversity of the Peoples of the Russian Federation”.

The forum, held on the basis of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in St. Petersburg, brought together more than 90 participants from 22 partner universities of the Olympiad, representatives of the expert community, federal institutions, executive and legislative authorities.

During the conference, they talked about the strategic role of preserving native languages ​​in the development of the country, and also raised issues of increasing the prestige of national languages ​​among young people, unlocking the potential of bilinguals, promoting the project and finding new formats for communication of the organizers and attracting new partners.

State Duma deputy, member of the Education Committee Elvira Aitkulova, former Federation Council senator Rimma Galushina and deputy director of the Federal Institute of Native Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia Sargylana Bryzgalova expressed their vision of the situation.

In the 2023–2024 academic year, the Olympiad was held in 42 languages ​​(46 profiles) of the peoples of Russia, and more than 12 thousand schoolchildren from 66 regions took part in it.

The Olympiad for schoolchildren in native languages ​​is included in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren held by the Ministry of Education of Russia. Winners and diploma holders are provided with certain bonuses and advantages when enrolling in universities in the country.