Profession Fair At «New Height»

119 finalists of the national personnel competition «New Height-2018» have experienced themselves as individual career guidance teachers for children left without parental care. On the basis of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov passed the social action “Fair of Professions”.
This stage is not included in the program of competitive tests, but the purpose of the participants is to demonstrate the ability to effectively interact with the wards of adolescents and help them in choosing their future profession.
At 10 stations representing different professional areas, the speakers selected from among the contest finalists told the children about the merits of different professions, answered all questions competently. And representatives of 11 colleges of the republic, of which three are colleges of KBSU, gave detailed information on the relevant areas of training in educational institutions.
Each of the teams of applicants, therefore, had to visit three stations, and then, together with their mentors, make a collage with a presentation of the profession they liked.
But the speaker, who most vividly spoke about his profession, was identified by voting by the children. They became the representative of the direction «Informatization» Betal Bizhoev.
The event, which was lively and interesting, was visited by distinguished guests: acting head of the CBD Kazbek Kokov, Minister of Education, Science and Youth Affairs of the KBR Aujes Kumykov, State Advisor of the KBR Nina Himzova, rector of KBSU Yury Altudov and many other officials.
Kazbek Kokov thanked the organizers of Novaya Vyshta, the presidential non-profit organization Russia is a land of opportunity, for the good level of the competition, its high social significance and wished the finalists victory in the competition and success in life.
As the organizers of the action noted, KBSU volunteers deserve special thanks, as they provided enormous assistance in holding the event.
The personnel competition “New Height” is an opportunity to join the unified management team of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
The winners of the New Height Contest will take part in the development projects of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.
The winners of the “New Heights” Competition will apply for over 100 positions in the spheres of state and municipal administration, housing and public utilities, agriculture, construction, tourism and recreation, education, health, digital economy, transport.
All participants of the Competition will compete in equal conditions. The guarantee of objectivity of selection is the examination of an autonomous non-profit organization “Russia — a country of opportunities”. The competences of its specialists are based on the most modern methods of evaluating management personnel.
Inclusion of winners in the personnel reserve of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, participation in projects of the development team of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Possible appointment.
The final full-time stage and the identification of the winners of the competition according to the results of the business game will be held on December 22.