Press Secretary of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University Holds a Master Class for KBSU Staff and Students

Release date: 14.01.2025

Press Secretary of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Sergey Ivashko holds an educational intensive course for the staff of the university’s press service and media center at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov.

The classes are aimed at improving the skills of the staff of the Information Policy Department (IPD) of KBSU in composing popular science texts, as well as in preparing scientists for public appearances in the media in order to popularize their activities.

Such work is impossible without the approval and full support of the leadership of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. I would like to express special thanks to our scientific supervisor Stepan Kalmykov and Valery Lunin, who, being the dean, initiated the work of the press service, and during my 6 years of work the Chemistry Department has become much more recognizable, more represented in the media space,

— noted the press secretary of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University.

The workshop is divided into four blocks — two theoretical and two practical. In the first lesson, Sergey Ivashko told how to work with a scientific group, how to make a scientist promote his research, and also reminded about the structure and logic of a press release.

The next block will be devoted to the analysis of press releases of the KBSU UIP employees, within the framework of which there will be a discussion on how to make the texts more in demand.

Then Sergey Ivashko intends to conduct a training for the audience, which will help them prepare scientists for presentations.

The educational intensive for the employees of the press service and the media center is being held on the initiative of the KBSU vice-rector for Research Work Svetlana Khashirova.