Preparation for the Reconstruction of KBSU Museum

From December 19 to December 21, leading experts of the Russian Museum of Ethnography will acquaint KBSU teachers and scientists with modern methods of conducting museum work.
Refresher courses are held in the framework of cooperation of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University. Kh. M. Berbekov with the Russian Ethnographic Museum and in connection with the planned transformation of the university museum.
Senior Researcher at REM Lusine Gushchyan told the university’s historians about what a modern museum is, how museum museums are presented in the world, what is the motivation for creating museums.
The Louvre and the British Museum, the Acropolis and the Affine National Historical Museum, the City Museum in Turkey and Iran, as well as Russian and republican museums were visually presented in the presentation of a lecturer from St. Petersburg.
The subject of a particular conversation was the best examples of university museums. And of course, they did not avoid the history, structure and functioning of the Russian Ethnographic Museum.
In the following days, researcher Elena Kubel, head of the ethnography department of the Russian people, REM Dmitry Baranov, will share their experience in collecting museum collections, their accounting and storage, and tell you how to prepare exhibitions and expositions.