
  • The origins of memory at the «Tree of Life»

    Mourning events dedicated to the 159th anniversary of the end of the Caucasian War are being held in Kabardino-Balkaria. Representatives of state authorities, the public, clergy, organizations and departments of the republic and residents of…


  • KBSU honored the memory of the Circassians — victims of the Caucasian War

    On May 17, 2023, in honor of the approaching Day of Remembrance of the Adyghe people — the victims of the Caucasian War (1763–1864) at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov held a…


  • What you need to know to enter KBSU correctly in 2023

    What new will the largest university of Kabardino-Balkaria, a participant of the Priority 20230 strategic academic leadership program implemented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, offer to applicants in…


  • KBSU expert on patenting spoke in Stavropol

    On May 11, 2023, at the My Business Center, operating on the basis of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in the Stavropol city a round table was held. The theme was “Patent law in Russia, how…


  • KBSU students asked vice-rectors important questions

    The most exciting topics for students were discussed on May 10, 2023 at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov at an open meeting of student activists with vice-rectors. Representatives of the student community…


  • Employees of KBSU shared their experience at the international forum in Kaliningrad

    Director of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Culture and Sports Education of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov Olga Mikhailenko and methodologist of the psychological and pedagogical laboratory Anastasia Moshura made…


  • Mikhail Kovalchuk noted the high level of achievements of KBSU scientists

    May 8 Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov was visited by President of the Research Center «Kurchatov Institute», corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Kovalchuk,…


  • Congratulations from Yuri Altudov on Victory Day

    Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers! Dear teachers, staff, students and graduates of KBSU! I congratulate you on the holiday — Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. 78 years ago,…


  • 6 projects of KBSU are among the winners of the competition «Rosmolodezh.Grants»

    The results of the competition Rosmolodezh.Grants among educational institutions of higher education have been summed up. In the 2023 season, 184 universities became winners. Thanks to grant support, higher education institutions will be able to…


  • KBSU became a partner of the Artmasters National Championship of Creative Competencies

    May 3, 2023 at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov held a meeting of university students and students of general educational organizations of the KBR with the director of the National Open Championship…


  • «Perspective-2023» was held at EESC of KBSU

    In the Elbrus educational and scientific complex of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov hosted the traditional, already 26th International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists «Perspective-2023». Novice «newtons» from more…


  • Day of protection of intellectual property for the first time in KBSU

    Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov celebrated the Intellectual Property Day for the first time, which is held under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization “Women and Intellectual Property – a Catalyst…
