Master class for KBSU students from German and Alim Pashtov, a famous family dynasty of artists

Release date: 31.01.2025

World-famous artists from Kabardino-Balkaria, father and son German and Alim Pashtov, held a master class on lithography for students of the design college of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov.

The founder of the only woodcut school in the country, German Pashtov, at the beginning of the creative meeting told first-year students the history of woodcuts, which originated in ancient times. Woodcuts first appeared in China during the Han Dynasty (6th century). The invention of paper marked the beginning of the spread of woodcuts.

The name of German Pashtov is widely known outside our country. His works are exhibited in many large museums. He created engravings for the works of great Russian poets. The artist worked on the illustrations for Lermontov’s «Caucasian Poems» for five years, and on Pushkin’s collection twice as long. And the result was brilliant – the artist became a laureate of many international book exhibitions and competitions and was highly appreciated by the President of Russia.

Alim Pasht-Khan is a recognized master of lithography – a technique of applying an image to paper using stone and then printing the imprint on a machine. He is the author of graphic series in the lithography technique, which are in the collections of various museums around the world.

Alim is the author of the tallest porcelain vase in the world, almost eight meters high. This unique work of art is exhibited in the porcelain museum in Leuchtenberg (Germany).

Painting, watercolor, edged and end woodcuts, lithography, linocut, ferrography – in some techniques the Pashtovs are pioneers and educators.

It should be noted that only a few people in the world master the technique of scraping on asphalt. Alim Pasht-Khan shared its secrets and features with students of the KBSU College of Design.

The master class participants received invaluable advice on working with the material.

The university’s cooperation with the famous dynasty of artists began in February 2018, when the creative workshop of the People’s Artist of Russia, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts German Pashtov opened at KBSU.

Another creative meeting of Alim Pasht-Khan with students of the design college is planned for next week. The master class will be dedicated to the linocut technique, which is used to illustrate books and magazines, as well as to create posters and reproductions.