Little Steps In The Big Science

On november 27th in the competition of interdisciplinary projects of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov was attended by students of specialized philological classes from the 6th school in the city of Baksan, the 20th school year of Nalchik, cadet boarding school of Babugent, as well as the 16th school of Nalchik.
To the court of an independent competent jury of students of the philological class of the KBSU was presented 11 projects. About the etymology of words related to school subjects, such as holidays, study, diary, change, told Bella Thamadokova. The fifth-grader Alan Nagoev told about the life and life of the mountaineers on the basis of a serious analysis of the story of L. Tolstoy «Prisoner of the Caucasus». Diana Ordokova presented a project on the theme “Very remarkable adjective”. Other projects were also devoted to interesting and complex issues of the Russian language: the difficulties of orthoepy, the richness of vocabulary — aphorisms, proverbs and sayings, youth slang.
The students emotionally, artistically and expressively presented their works, emphasizing their own interest in research activities and the hard work of the curator of the philological class of the Baksan school Alina Mamkhegova.
«Our class opened a month ago. During the first meeting, the guys were asked to start work on projects. Do not blame me if something fails. This is our first experience. But the guys tried very hard»,
— shared the teacher.

The jury consisted of Artur Nasipov, Director of the Small School Academy of the KBSU, Deputy Director for Organizational and Innovative Activities of the Center for Continuous Development of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Affairs of the KBR Azamat Luyev, Head of the Pre-University Training and Career Guidance of the KBSU Aksana Karasheva Head of the Cadet boarding school №2 sec. Babugent Abdurakhman Eristaev and Director of MKOU Secondary School No. 20 Maya Aslanova, as well as teachers of KBSU. They noted that the guys approached work seriously and responsibly, and their research makes us look at familiar topics in a new way.
According to the results of the competition, fifth-grader Diana Ordokova scored the most points with the project “Very remarkable adjective”.