KBSU students are active participants in the action «10,000 steps to life»

On April 7, World Health Day, the action «10,000 steps to life» was held in Nalchik, organized by the All-Russian public organization «League of the Nation’s Health» together with the Medical Faculty of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, the administration of Nalchik, a branch of CJSC Capital Medical Insurance. In the Atazhukinsky Garden, among the lovers of walking, one could meet deputies of the legislative body of the republic headed by the Chairman of the Parliament of the KBR Tatyana Egorova, heads and employees of ministries, departments, representatives of educational organizations, public associations. Tatyana Egorova said about the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle:
«It has become a good tradition to hold the 10,000 Steps to Life campaign on World Health Day, which is designed to promote a healthy and active lifestyle, because we understand that life is a movement . How many people have gathered today! Of course, it is very pleasing that every year the action gathers more and more participants. I would like to see an active lifestyle become a daily habit for all people. Because movement and, in particular, walking is a good prevention of many serious diseases: cardiovascular, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, I am always happy to join this action and urge everyone to lead a healthy lifestyle.»
The action participants were greeted by Zareta Kambachokova, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the KBSU, head of the regional branch of the League of Health of the Nation, Murat Kardanov, Deputy Chairman of the KBR Parliament, and Rustam Kalibatov, Minister of Health of the KBR. Zareta Kambachokova emphasized that walking is a natural and accessible type of physical activity that contributes to maintaining health and longevity. She cited the words of the famous cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria, who claimed that a person who walks two hours a week prolongs his life by seven to eight years. This is the most positive argument that will motivate us to walk, take ten thousand steps towards life, — said the head of the League of Nation’s Health. Before the start, medical students measured blood pressure to those who wished, gave recommendations on correcting risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and metabolic diseases, diabetes mellitus, and the coach of the highest category, master of sports, winner of European tournaments in Kyokushin karate, champion of Russia David Bitkash and coach aerobics Svetlana Dzikevich held a warm-up, charging everyone with vivacity and good mood. The «walkers» walked along the route of health — they took ten thousand steps from the entrance to the Atazhukinsky Garden from the side of Lermontov Street to the Resort Hall and back. According to Zareta Kambachokova, this route was developed in 2017, and in 2021 it was recognized as the best in the country at the All-Russian Forum «The Health of the Nation — the Basis for Russia’s Prosperity». Participants of the action received information booklets about a healthy lifestyle, and the most active — those who finished first — received diplomas from the organizers.