Memory of Vladimir Tlostanov was honored in KBSU

Release date: 16.09.2024

On September 14, 2024, the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov honored the memory of a prominent statesman, scientist, rector of KBSU, professor Vladimir Kalimetovich Tlostanov.

The acting rector of KBSU, professor Yuri Altudov, vice-rectors and heads of educational departments of the university, teachers, students, as well as relatives of V.K. Tlostanov came to pay tribute and bright memory to the talented organizer and mentor, who led the university for more than 20 years.

I was lucky to be personally acquainted with Vladimir Kalimetovich. He always treated young specialists kindly, like a father, expressed a desire to meet and talk, never divided people by rank and title, knew how to find the right word for everyone — from a student to a minister. This speaks of the greatness of his soul. And today we have gathered to pay tribute to the valuable contribution of Vladimir Tlostanov to the development of the university and Kabardino-Balkaria. The bright memory of Vladimir Kalimetovich will forever remain in our hearts,

— Yuri Altudov opened the memorial meeting.

A representative of the family of V.K. Tlostanov — deputy director of the Higher School of International Education Ruslan Tlostanov noted that for him, his uncle was a kind of moral compass.

He was distinguished by the ability to make the right decisions in the most difficult situations, to separate the main from the secondary. At family gatherings, we often remember him, always in a positive way, with warm sadness. I am very grateful to you for preserving the memory of Vladimir Kalimetovich,

— Ruslan Tlostanov noted.

After a minute of silence, flowers were laid at the bust of Vladimir Tlostanov, installed in the lobby of the main building of KBSU.

Yuri Altudov thanked those present for participating in the memorial event.