KBSU develops popular science tourism in the region

Release date: 18.10.2024

Employees of the Institute of Management, Tourism and Hospitality Industry and the Hermitage-Caucasus Cultural and Educational Center of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov took part in the district forum «Student Tourism-2024».

It was held at the Pyatigorsk Institute in the format of an accelerated educational program in the field of youth tourism «Integrated Approach to the Development of Youth Tourism» and brought together more than 130 participants from 7 regions of the district.

In his speech, the director of IMTiIG Ramazan Ligidov focused on attracting young people to popular science tourism. In this regard, the university has good practice and has achieved certain successes.

We shared our experience in implementing events within the framework of the development of popular science tourism in the region. We presented a preliminary register of popular science tourism (PST) sites in the region and their map, developed by the staff and students of the Institute of Management, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Work in this direction is still ongoing. Upon completion, we plan to hold a round table with the participation of representatives of the regional PST sites for the presentation of materials and discussion. We are also developing about 10 popular science tourist routes in the KBR. In the near future, we plan to launch one of these tours together with the staff of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BNO INR RAS). The main goal is to popularize science among a wide audience, namely, to attract young people to the field of science and development and to increase the availability of information about the achievements and prospects of science for the general public,

— said Ramazan Ligidov, director of the IMTiIG KBSU.

As part of the district forum «Student Tourism-2024», advanced training courses were held under the program «Integrated Approach to the Development of Youth Tourism».

The forum participants received new professional competencies in the field of youth tourism development in three key areas: popular science tourism, student tourism and active tourism.

The organizers were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation together with the Russian State University of Tourism and Service and the North Caucasus Federal University.