KBSU celebrated the Day of the Adyghe (Circassian) Language

Release date: 14.03.2025

The Day of the Adyghe (Circassian) language and writing was celebrated at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov. The holiday was established in 2000 in honor of the publication of the first «ABC of the Circassian Language». Created by the outstanding Adyghe educator Umar Bersey on an Arabic graphic basis, it was published in Tiflis on March 14, 1853.

A competition was timed to coincide with the holiday at the KBSU Pedagogical College. Students competed in their knowledge of the Adyghe language, customs and traditions of their people. The game was a team game. Representatives of four specialties participated: «Preschool Education», «Jurisprudence», «Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education» and «Teaching in Primary Schools».

The first task was to prepare a presentation and report on one of the Adyghe educators. The contestants talked about the contribution to the development of the national Circassian culture and language made by Shora Nogmov, Umar Bersey, Kazi Atazhukin and Adam Dymov. Then the children played a quiz, read poems and presented theatrical performances to the jury. But perhaps the most exciting was the rivalry of teams in the contest for knowledge of Adyghe proverbs and sayings. The participants played for elimination and in total remembered more than 70 proverbs. At this stage, students of the specialty «Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education» distinguished themselves. They also won the competition. Future educators came in second, and third place was shared by students of the specialties «Jurisprudence» and «Preschool Education».