KBSU became a platform for discussing the future of science and technology

Release date: 05.03.2025

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov was visited by the famous physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the National Center of Physics and Mathematics Alexander Sergeev.

Introducing the guest, acting rector of KBSU, Yuri Altudov noted that the visit of the scientific director of the NCPM was organized with the support of the Rosatom State Corporation as part of the Time of Science project and was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the nuclear industry.

Alexander Sergeev gave a lecture to the university faculty and students on the topic “Forecast 2045: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life and Physics”.

The academician gave an overview of the challenges facing modern physics and emphasized the importance of strategic planning for the development of science.

Large corporations in developed countries base their concepts on forecasts. And we see that a number of predictions made by scientists back in the last century have been fully justified. One of the most interesting scientific «predictions» that came true is the assumption about the emergence of the Internet. Soviet theoretical physicist Andrei Sakharov back in 1974 in his article «The World in 50 Years» predicted the creation of a global information system (GIS), which is the prototype of the Internet,

— said Alexander Sergeev.

In his speech, the scientist identified six key areas that he advises modern researchers to focus on. These are information technology and artificial intelligence, health and medicine of the future, the creation of new materials and waste-free technologies, the development of thermonuclear energy and new energy sources, the study of climate change, as well as space exploration.

A tour of the university’s scientific laboratories and the KBSU history museum was organized for Sergeev.