KBSU Architects At The International Forum In Grozny

On December 6–7, students and researchers of the KBSU participated in the international forum “Architecture, Design and Fine Arts in the North Caucasus”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department “Architecture” at the Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician MD Millionshchikov.
Scientific report of associate professor of the department «Architectural design, design and DPI» of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov Muzarib Bzhakhov “Using national ornament as a composite tool in the architecture of buildings for the KBR conditions” prepared in collaboration with associate professor Aminat Sultanova and senior lecturer of the department Ruslan Mazloevym relied on the results of many years of research and aroused great interest of the conference participants.
Within the framework of the Forum, a review competition of course projects and works, as well as final qualification works in the nominations “Architecture” and “Design” was held. In these nominations were presented works of students KBSU.
By the decision of the competent jury in the nomination “Architecture of public buildings”, the diploma of the 1st degree was received by M.M. Efimova on the topic “Analysis of the Formation of Public Buildings”, she was also awarded a Diploma on behalf of the public organization Union of Architects of the Chechen Republic.
The students of the design college of IASiD KBSU became prize-winners of the competition in the nomination “Interior Design”.
The diploma of the 1st degree was awarded to the design project of 4th year student Saida Gaevoy. Diploma of the 2nd degree — a design project of 4th year student Milana Haupsheva.
Diplomas of the 2nd degree were also awarded to the works of students of the department of architectural design, design and DPI at the Institute of Computer Science of the KBSU: Petimat Midayeva, Zalina Shormanova, Olesya Mezova, Larisa Khashkulova and Ruzanna Batova.