Information Class Of KBSU In Lyceum #2

On January 15, a solemn ceremony of signing the cooperation agreement of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov and MOU «Lyceum No. 2» of the city of Nalchik. In order to form high-level information competence among students, a university information class was opened in the lyceum.
The cooperation agreement was signed by the vice-rector of the KBSU for pre-university training and the APE Artur Kazharov and the director of the Lyceum No. 2 Boris Malbakhov. They were supported by the project partners: Minister of Education, Science and Youth Affairs of the KBR, Aues Kumykov, Director of the Institute of Informatics and Regional Management Problems — a branch of the Federal Scientific Center «Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences» Zalimkhan Nagoev, Head of the Department of Education of the Local Administration . Nalchik Eduard Barokov, representative of ITV-GRUOP holding Ramazan Mamuchiev, director of the Institute of Informatics, Electronics and Robotics at the KBSU Natalia Cherkesova, head of the department of informatics and information security Tatiana Khashirova, head of vocational guidance at the KBSU Aksana Karaseva and director of the Minor School Academy Artur Nasipov.
Speaking about the relevance of creating an information technology class, Aues Kumykov noted:
«The modern level of development of computer and Internet technologies requires a new quality of knowledge and practical skills in all areas of life: from schoolchildren to working professionals. Applied skills in the field of information technology today are the most demanded in the labor market. Most professions at the moment involve the possession of information technology. I wish you success in choosing your future profession.
Other distinguished guests also told the students about the benefits of the programmer profession».
«If you do not do computer science, computer science will take care of you,» — the pro-rector of KBSU Artur Kazharov joked, hinting schoolchildren to the rapid development of information technologies actively used in all spheres of life, and the success in a modern professional environment will depend on the level of development.
For their part, the students of the 10th information technology class promised to exert maximum efforts in mastering computer technologies.
Following the roadmap, during the school year, KBSU teachers will help students in mastering and systematizing knowledge related to modeling tools, information processes in various systems, mastering the skills of working with equipment (computer, modem, fax, printer, copier, etc.) and in the development of information technology (audio and video recording, e-mail, the Internet). Children will be taught to independently search, analyze and select information, organize, transform, save and transmit it. They will help in mastering skills to build a mathematical model, an algorithm, to create programs in a programming language.
The curriculum is aimed at the development of algorithmic thinking, cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in information activities, fostering a sense of responsibility for the results of their work. Legal and ethical norms of working with information will be studied. Pupils in a class will gain experience in project activities, creating, editing, designing, maintaining, transmitting information objects of various types, building computer models, collectively implementing information projects and information activities in various fields demanded in the labor market.