«INFO — 2018» In KBSU

More than 400 schoolchildren and junior students tested their programming skills, solving the problems of the Republican Olympiad in Informatics and Information Security «INFO — 2018», which took place on December 15 at the base of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov.
As noted by one of the organizers of competitions, head. Department of Information Security, Institute of Informatics, Electronics and Robotics, KBSU Tatyana Khashirova:
“Schoolchildren’s interest in computer science and programming is growing every year, and this is evident from the number of participants. Preparing for the Olympiad, we pursued certain goals — to develop creative abilities and interest in the scientific activities of our talented youth, to assist in choosing a future profession, to create conditions for intellectual development and support for gifted schoolchildren and students. We hope we succeeded. ”
All those who wished to take part in the competition from the 5th to the 11th grade, as well as students of the 1–2 courses of the KBSU. Within three hours it was necessary to solve 10 problems with programming elements and logic.
The competent jury from the faculty of the Institute of Economic and Social Development of the KBSU will check and evaluate the olympiad tasks.
Winners and prize-winners will be determined from the number of participants who have decided the maximum number of tasks. Their names will be announced here in the coming days.