HSE conducts a sociological survey of KBSU students

Release date: 16.09.2024

Specialists from the Center for Youth Studies of the St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «Higher School of Economics» conducted a sociological survey of students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov on the topic «Sustainability and creative potential of youth in the North Caucasus region in the context of labor educational migrations.»

As Dmitry Omelchenko, a research fellow at the Center for Youth Studies at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, commented:

We are engaged in youth research, trying to understand and learn from the young people themselves what worries and interests them. We collect information about how young people realize themselves creatively, whether they have the appropriate space, what they would like to do and what is lacking in the context of creative realization, whether they plan to leave or want to realize themselves, build a career in their native region. And if someone wants to leave, then why. And it is especially important to find out the reasons why someone wants to leave and what stop factors hold back those who want to stay.

The study will identify what determines the sustainability of the youth of the North Caucasus Federal District in modern conditions and how their creative potential contributes to increasing the attractiveness of the region.

The data of those who filled out the questionnaire and the materials of interviews with students are strictly confidential and will be used exclusively for scientific purposes. Based on the results of the study, reporting materials will be prepared, including recommendations for working with young people.

The HSE — St. Petersburg project has grant support from the Russian Science Foundation. The study is designed for three years, among the locations studied are Nalchik, Pyatigorsk, Stavropol, Vladikavkaz, Cherkessk.