Holiday of the Balkar people at KBSU
On March 26, on the eve of the Day of the Restoration of the National Autonomy of the Balkar People, at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov held a traditional festive concert.
Before its start, everyone could familiarize themselves with the exposition of the exhibition of drawings by the participants of the project «Nart Debetni tuuduklary» / «Descendants of the Nart Debet», organized by the Center for Balkar Culture of the KBSU jointly with the Department of Culture and the Directorate of the Local History Museum of the Elbrus Municipal District.

Opening the solemn part, the Acting Rector of KBSU Yuri Altudov congratulated those present on the holiday, noting that this is a national holiday of Kabardino-Balkaria, this year marks 64 years since the return of the Balkars to their homeland.
«The unity and brotherhood of our peoples is a solid foundation for the development of Kabardino-Balkaria. Only together we will achieve success» — said Yuri Altudov.
At the evening, the audience was shown a slideshow of photographs of those representatives of the Balkar people who contributed their knowledge and work to the prosperity of Kabardino-Balkaria. Among them are educators, poets and writers, scientists, artists, famous athletes, Heroes of the Great Patriotic War and many others.
«Our republic and KBSU, as always, are strong in good traditions. Today we are gathered here to share the joy of being — to celebrate the Day of the restoration of the national autonomy of the Balkar people. When I looked at the gallery of photographs, I was proud of my people. I am sure that, keeping the memory of the past, the present young generation will be able to increase the glorious achievements of their ancestors,» — emphasized the head of the Karachay-Balkarian philology department of KBSU, doctor of philological sciences, professor Mussa Ketenchiev.

The concert program was full of life-affirming songs and poems performed by students and schoolchildren from different regions of the republic. In addition, the guests of the evening were the popular singer Muradin Miziev and the actress of the Balkar State Drama Theater named after K. Kuliev Halimat Altueva.
As part of the celebration, the winners and prize-winners of the festival «Nart Debetni tuuduklary» / «Descendants of the Nart Debet» — 2021 were honored.