Head of KBSU Yuri Altudov in the TOP-30 rating of media activity

Release date: 10.03.2021
According to the results of the February rating of the media activity of heads of higher educational institutions of Russia, conducted by the portal «Scientific and Educational Policy», the acting rector of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov Yuri Altudov is in the TOP-30 rating of rectors, ranking 9th in terms of the number of publications and 19th position in the Media Index.
The media activity rating is considered a mirror of the communication activities of companies. To assess the media activity of the heads of Russian universities, the information and analytical telegram-portal «Scientific and educational policy», subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, used the monitoring system «Medialogia» (Russian company-developer of an automatic system for monitoring and analyzing media and social networks in real time).
University rectors were manually selected from the TOP-500 objects of the Medialogy rating and other persons related to the educational sphere were excluded.
MediaIndex is an indicator of the qualitative state of the information field formed by the media around a geo-concept or person. The higher the index value, the better the image of the head of the university created by the media.
According to the rating compilers, high positions in the Media Index do not necessarily correlate with a high number of publications. This indicator depends not only on the frequency of mentions in the media, but also on their background — positive or negative. High positions in the rating of some people are due to the large number of secular news with their mention.
At the same time, rectors who skillfully work with the information agenda are increasingly in the TOP positions of both ratings.
Rating of rectors by the number of publications. TOP-30
SADOVNICHIY Victor Antonovich 164
KUZMINOV Yaroslav I. 135
TSISKARIDZE Nikolay Maksimovich 64
UIA Vladimir Alexandrovich 62
KUDZH Stanislav Alekseevich 58
ZASLAVSKY Grigory Anatolievich 54
Nechaev Vladimir Dmitrievich 52
POCHINOK Natalya Borisovna 50
ALTUDOV Yuri Kambulatovich 47
Ilshat Rafkatovich GAFUROV 39
TORKUNOV Anatoly Vasilievich 36
GLYBOCHKO Petr Vitalievich 32
KROPACHEV Nikolay Mikhailovich 30
TULEYEV Aman Gumirovich 30
KOLODYAZHNY Sergey Alexandrovich 28
Olga Petrovna KOVTUN 28
MARKELOV Konstantin Alekseevich 26
ROGALEV Nikolay Dmitrievich 23
MOROZOVA Marina Alexandrovna 23
LITVINENKO Vladimir Stefanovich 20
RUDKOY Andrey Ivanovich 18
BUYEVICH Galina Aleksandrovna 16
PAVLOV Valentin Nikolaevich 15
ZAGAINOVA Elena Vadimovna 15
FEDORUK Mikhail Petrovich 14
ELISEEV Boris Petrovich 14
YAKOVLEV Andrey Alexandrovich 14
Borovikov Yuri Sergeevich 13
FEDOROV Alexander Alexandrovich 12
RUSETSKAYA Margarita Nikolaevna 12
Rating of rectors by Media Index. TOP-30
1. KUZMINOV Yaroslav Ivanovich 4 371.00
2. SADOVNICHIY Victor Antonovich 3 260,00
3. TSISKARIDZE Nikolay Maksimovich 1,754.00
4. KUDZH Stanislav Alekseevich 1,389.00
5. ZASLAVSKY Grigory Anatolievich 1 255.00
6. VOROBYEV Anatoly Ivanovich 807.00
7. NECHAEV Vladimir Dmitrievich 757.10
8. PAVLOV Valentin Nikolaevich 683.00
9. KRYUKOV Evgeny Vladimirovich 662.00
10. UIA Vladimir Alexandrovich 526.00
11. LITVINENKO Vladimir Stefanovich 496.00
12. KROPACHEV Nikolay Mikhailovich 457.00
13. STAFF Natalia Borisovna 456.10
14. TORKUNOV Anatoly Vasilievich 385.00
15. Olga Petrovna KOVTUN 365.00
16. HLYBOCHKO Petr Vitalievich 303.00
17. NAZAROV Vladimir Stanislavovich 267.00
18. MOROZOVA Marina Alexandrovna 245.00
19. ALTUDOV Yuri Kambulatovich 220.40
20. TORMASOV Alexander Gennadievich 163.00
21. TULEYEV Aman Gumirovich 163.00
22. ZAPESOTSKY Alexander Sergeevich 156.00
23. RUDSKOY Andrey Ivanovich 135.00
24. ROGALEV Nikolay Dmitrievich 128.00
25. MARKELOV Konstantin Alekseevich 127.00
26. MAXIMTSEV Igor Anatolyevich 101.00
27. ELISEEV Boris Petrovich 78.20
28. KOKSHAROV Viktor Anatolievich 64.00
29. RUSETSKAYA Margarita Nikolaevna 56.00
30. GAFUROV Ilshat Rafkatovich 56.00