Happy Victory Day!

Release date: 11.05.2022

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, teachers, staff, students and graduates of KBSU of all generations! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the most revered holiday in our country — the Great Victory Day! On May 9, we are spiritually united with those who, heroically fighting at the front, selflessly working in the rear, defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland, liberated a number of European countries from troops fascist Germany.

Nowadays, when the politicians of unfriendly countries are trying to do everything possible to erase the historical truth about the events of the Second World War, to replace concepts, to “cancel” the contribution of our people to the cause of the Victory, we must defend the truth with redoubled strength, cherish the memory of the true heroes of the front and rear, to work for the prosperity of the Fatherland.

On this significant day for all of us, I would like to once again express my deep gratitude to our veterans. Low bow to you for giving us peace and tranquility. Please accept my most sincere wishes for good, peace and happiness. Good health to you and all your loved ones! Happy Victory Day!

Yuri Altudov, acting rector of KBSU named after H.M. Berbekov