Say No to Terrorism

Release date: 06.09.2018

Education By Setting an Example

September 3 students and teachers of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov took part in the rally dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.

Hundreds of people gathered in the square in front of the State Concert Hall «Forum» in Nalchik, mostly young people, public figures and residents of the CBD, who cares about the fate of the country and who says «No» to the extremist ideology and gangster actions of terrorists.

Recall that the Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism was approved in Russia in 2005, the anniversary of the terrorist attack in 2004 at school number 1 in Beslan, when as a result of the actions of terrorists killed 333 people, most of them were children.

The antiterrorist rally was opened by representatives of two religious denominations — Islam and Christianity — the Imam of the Nalchik cathedral mosque Aslan Gedgafov and the Dean of the Nalchik district of the Pyatigorsk and Circassian dioceses Valentin Bobylev. They declared that religion condemns any manifestation of violence, and called for careful study of the basic tenets of the dogma and not succumb to the tricks of those who interpret them for their own purposes.

Education By Setting an Example

After a minute of silence, which gathered the memory of those killed in the terrorist attacks, the head of the public organization «Peace to Your Home» Sufadin Shibzukhov noted the important role of the upbringing of the younger generation:

“The pain of Beslan obliges us, the parents, to educate our children correctly so that no one can knock them off the true path”.

Head of the NCC of the Belarusian people «Syabry» Pavel Sidoruk, chairman of the Youth Council at the Public Chamber of the KBR, spoke of the prevention of the recurrence of terrorist acts. Oksana Chegemokova and students of the University.

Participants in the all-republican rally dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism unanimously adopted a resolution in which they expressed their full support for the line of the Government of the Russian Federation and the KBR in the fight against terrorism until its eradication in our country. It was decided to promulgate this resolution in the media.

The meeting ended with the launching 333 white balloons into the sky in memory of the killed in the Beslan tragedy people.