Education By Setting an Example

Release date: 06.09.2018

Education By Setting an Example

New academic year in the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov traditionally began with «Lessons of Russia». This year, the initiator of the action, the Regional Office of the All-Russian People’s Front in the KBR, offered to hold them to people known in the country, thanks to diligence, talent, perseverance, achieved excellent results in life and professional work.

For the first-year students of the Pedagogical College of Kabardino-Balkarian State University, the expert was the ONF expert in the KBR, the commissioner for the USE in the KBR, the author of more than 170 scientific and educational works on the history of the peoples of the North Caucasus, Professor KBSU Peter Kuzminov.

A well-known scientist told the students about his becoming a historian. He did not immediately find his calling, although he was also inspired by archeology by his father, a history teacher at the school, when he took his son to an excavation expedition in the area of the former fortress of Djulat, once the residence of the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh.

After the army, the young man entered the Kabardino-Balkarian State University for a department of history. And with all my heart I loved this science. He liked to learn, he read a lot of additional literature on various historical events. He successfully graduated from the university and devoted his entire life to science.

Concluding his speech, Petr Abramovich gave recommendations to yesterday’s schoolchildren:

«To find yourself, ask yourself: who am I? For what is born? What good things can I do and how? And try to find answers to them. This is what helped me to choose my path in life. I’m sure you will succeed, too».