“Clio” On The Path Of Islam

The emergence of Islam in the North Caucasus and its further development was discussed on December 18 at the regular meeting of the historical-patriotic club “Along the paths of Clio” of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov.
With the active expert participation of the director of the CHI KBSU Muslim Tamazov, the head of the club, Professor Peter Kuzminov and associate professor of the Russian history department Andrei Konovalov, members of the club — students of historians spoke on a number of discussion points of the topic, noting the relevance of knowledge about the prerequisites for the emergence and development of religious trends and understanding the basics of religious studies.
So, Tamara Bitokova spoke about the impressions left over from visiting Abkhazia, where Islam and Christianity, paganism and Buddhism coexist peacefully, complementing each other.
Asker Khashirov spoke about the personal attitude towards Islam, the impressions of childhood, which formed a special attitude towards the shrines of religion.
Zalim Gabaev spoke out about the difficult path of the Balkar people in search of the word of God.
Madina Kuchukova raised a sharp topic about the current situation of Islam in Kabardino-Balkaria, the elements of radicalism that are observed in certain regions of the North Caucasus, especially in Dagestan.
Milana Zhambekova reported on the birth of the zikr in 1860s in Chechen Republic and its popularity among a large part of the population in Chechnya.
These issues were discussed by members of the club in various aspects: historical, philosophical and psychological.
The next meeting of the club will be held in late February 2019 on the theme «Marxism: history, modernity, prospects»