Become Young Entities Of The Gpals Of Global Sustainable Development From Russia!

As part of the implementation of the Goals contained in the agenda of sustainable development by the UN member states for the period up to 2030 (SDG), the National Council of Youth and Children’s Associations of Russia with the support of the UN Information Center in Moscow, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations implements the program “Youth Envoys of the SDGs of Russia”.
The uniqueness of the Sustainable Development Goals is that they call on all countries — poor, rich, and middle-income — to promote prosperity while ensuring the protection of the planet.
The implementation of the aforementioned Program is aimed at popularizing the SDGs among Russian youth, informing about global problems and mechanisms for their solution, as well as involving young people in the implementation of the SDGs through participation in public events.
The program includes the annual selection of the Youth Envoys of the SDGs of Russia — 17 young representatives of civil society, who are called to assist in informing and activating their peers in solving the problems of humanity.
Participants in the above selection can be young leaders aged 18 to 30 years old who possess the skills of public leadership, public speaking, blogging, who through their community initiatives at the local or national level contribute to the achievement of one of the Sustainable Development Goals.
To participate in the selection of the Youth Ambassadors of the LRC of Russia 2019, you must fill in the application form by December 10, 2018 using the online form:, and also choose one LRC whose ambassador he / she would like become, and post on social networks Vkontakte and / or Facebook with the theme “Why # YaposOLTSUR” with indication of the number of the corresponding Goal.
Between 10 and 25 December 2018, the selection participant must have an online interview with the organizers of the Program (the date and time of the online interview will be agreed with each participant of the selection individually).
For more information please visit: Contact person: Olga Popova, tel .: 8 (495) 249-11-49, email: