Architects of the North Caucasus visited the cultural and educational center «Hermitage-Caucasus» of KBSU

Release date: 19.09.2024

Participants of the VIII North Caucasus Architectural Forum visited the cultural and educational center «Hermitage-Caucasus» of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov.

The director of the center Albert Saralp conducted a sightseeing tour for the guests of the oldest building in Nalchik, which is an architectural and historical monument of federal significance.

The architects learned the history of the creation of the Kabardino-Gorsk real school named after Alexander III, got acquainted with the stages of the formation of the historical center of Nalchik around this oldest educational center, which today houses the divisions of KBSU.

The fate of the outstanding architect Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov, who created a project for the future real school in 1908, became the subject of discussion among his colleagues, which resulted in a proposal to perpetuate the name of the author of the «architectural monument» in a memorial plaque.

The project «Digital Encyclopedia of Dolmens of the Caucasus» aroused great interest among the guests. Modern architects working today in the south of Russia recognized the dolmens of the Caucasus as «…the most ancient and first architectural structures on the territory of Russia.»